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Twelve Cases of Pituitary Apoplexy
Arch Int Med 152:1893-1899, Vidal,E.,et al, 1992

A 45 Year Old Patient with Headache, Fever, and Hyponatraemia
BMJ 350:h962, Fountas, A.,et al, 2015

Clinicopathologic Conference, Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
NEJM 384:1350-1358, Case 10-2021, 2021

The First Examination of Diagnostic Performance of Automated Measurement of the Callosal Angle in 1856 Elderly Patients and Volunteers Indicates that 12.4% of Exams Met the Criteria for Possible Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
AJNR 42:1942-1948, Morzage, M.,et al, 2021

A Fatal Case of Undiagnosed Candida Meningitis-Role of Computer-assisted Diagnosis
Neurologist 23:138-140, Finelli, P.F., 2018

IGG4-Related Hypertrophic Pachymeningitis Coexpressing Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies
Neurol 4:e341-e343, Massey, J., 2017

Candida Meningitis in an Immunocompetent Patient Detected Through (1?3)-beta-?-glucan
Int J Infect Dis 51:25-26, Farrugia, M.K.,et al, 2016

Spectrum of Imaging Appearances of Intracranial Cryptococcal Infection in HIV/AIDS Patients in the Anti-Retroviral Therapy Era
Clin Radiol 71:9-17, Offiah, C.E. & Naseer, A., 2016

Dancing Eyes and Uvula after Brain Tumour Extirpation-A Sign of Tumour Progression?
Lancet 379:1983, Kipfer, S.,et al, 2012

Giant Tumefactive Perivascular Spaces
AJNR 26:298-305, Salzman, K.L., et al, 2005

Aneurysmal Rupture Without Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Case Series and Literature Review
Neurosurg 57:225-229, Thai,Q-A.,et al, 2005

An Unusual Spinal Presentation of Whipple Disease
AJNR 22:1004-1008, Messori,,A.,et al, 2001

Acute Obstructive Hydrocephalus Heralding Neurocysticercosis
Conn Med 65:451-454, Finelli,P.F., 2001

Detection of Early CT Signs of >1/3 Middle Cerebral Artery Infarctions
Stroke 31:1667-1671, Kalafut,M.A. et al, 2000

Toxoplasmosis Manifesting as Hydroephalus on Computed Tomography
Infect Dis Clin Practice 9:390-392, Finelli,P.F. &Uphoff,D.F., 2000

Tectal Gliomas: Natural History of an Indolent Lesion in Pediatric Patients
Pediatr Neurosurg 32:24-29, Bowers,D.C.,et al, 2000

A Man with Progressive Weakness in His Legs
Lancet 354:830, van der Meulen,M.F.G.,et al, 1999

Hypertrophy of Multiple Cranial Nerves and Spinal Roots in Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Neuropathy
JNNP 67:685-687, Duarte,J.,et al, 1999

Pitfalls in the Diagnosis of Ventricular Shunt Dysfunction:Radiology Reports and Ventricular Size
Pediatrics 101:1031-1036, Iskandar,B.J.,et al, 1998

Acute Vestibular Syndrome
NEJM 339:680-685, Hotson,J.R.&Baloh,R.W., 1998

MRI of Optic Nerve Enlargement in Optic Neuritis
Neurol 48:821-825, Cornblath,W.T.&Quint,D.J., 1997

Clinical, Neurodiagnostic, and MR Findings in Children with Spinal & Brain Stem Multiple Sclerosis
AJNR 16:87-95, Glasier,C.M.,et al, 1995

Magnetic Resonance Angiography in the Diagnosis of Deep Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 5:29-32, Finelli,P.F.,et al, 1995

Spinal Dural Arteriovenous Fistula:The Pathology of Venous Hypertensive Myelopathy
Neurol 45:1309-1313, Hurst,R.W.,et al, 1995

Spinal Multiple Sclerosis Mimicking a Spinal Cord Tumor:A Case Report
Neurological Surgery 23:1007-1010, Maezawa,H.,et al, 1995

Tuberculosis Meningitis in the Southwest United States
Neurol 43:1775-1778, Davis,L.E.,et al, 1993

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