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A Variegated Squirrel Bornavirus Associated with Fatal Human Encephalitis
NEJM 373:154-162, Hoffmann, B.,et al, 2015

Wernicke's Encephalopathy
NEJM 312:1035-1039, Reuler,J.B.,et al, 1985

Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis
StatPearls PMID:28846357, Plewa,M.C.,et al, 2023

An 82-Year-Old Woman with Subacute Ophthalmoparesis and Ataxia
Neurol 101:e570-e575, Rodrigo-Gisbert,M.,et al, 2023

Progressive Cranial Neuropathy
JAMA Neurol 80:1375-1376, Buchberger,D.S.,et al, 2023

Contrast-Induced Encephalopathy Following Coronary Angiography
Neurol 94:e2491-e2494, Harada, Y.,et al, 2020

Atypical Parkinsonian Syndromes: A General Neurologists Perspective
Eur J Neurol 25:41-58, Deutschlander, A.B.,et al, 2018

A 35-year-old Woman with Diplopia, Ataxia, and Altered Mental Status
Neurol 91:e1942-e1946, Bauer, Z.,et al, 2018

Neuroimaging Findings of Zika Virus-Associated Neurologic Complications in Adults
AJNR 39:1967-1974, Hygino da Cruz, L.C.,et al, 2018

Neurological, Respiratory, Musculoskeletal, Cardiac and Ocular Side-Effects of Anti-PD-1 Therapy
Eur J Cancer 60:210-225, Zimmer, L.,et al, 2016

A 44-year-old Woman with Rapidly Progressive Weakness and Ophthalmoplegia
Neurol 85:e22-e27, Schreck, K.C.,et al, 2015

Diseases of the Nervous System Caused by Nutritional Deficiency, Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome (Thiamine B1) Deficiency
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology Chp 41, pg 1162, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Infections of the Nervous System, (Bacterial, Fungal, Spirochetal, Parasitic) and Sarcoidosis, Tuberculous Meningitis
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 32, pg 717, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Acute Visual Loss with Ophthalmoplegia after Spinal Surgery: Report of a Case and Review of the Literature
Indian J Ophthalmol 62:963-965, Mukherjee, B. & Alam, M.S., 2014

Painful Ophthalmoplegia Following Dental Procedure
Neuroophthalmol 37:165-168, Simsek, I.,et al, 2013

Central Nervous System Involvement in Whipple Disease
Medicine 92:324-330, Compain, C.,et al, 2013

Bilirubin-Induced Neurologic Damage - Mechanisms and Management Approaches
NEJM 369:2021-2030, Watchko, J.F.,et al, 2013

Triplopia, Thirteen Patients From a Neurology Inpatient Service
Arch Neurol 63:388-389, Keane,J.R., 2006

Botulism in 4 Adults Following Cosmetic Injections With an Unlicensed, Highly Concentrated Botulinum Preparation
JAMA 296:2476-2479,2512, Chertow,D.S.,et al, 2006

Phenotypic Spectrum Associated with Mutations of the Mitochondrial Polymerase y Gene
Brain 129:1674-1684, Horvath, R.,et al, 2006

Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia
Arch Neurol 62:714-717, Keane,J.R., 2005

Central Retinal Artery Occlusion and Ophthalmoplegia Following Spinal Surgery
BR J Ophthalmol;88-1350-1352, Halfon, M.J.,et al, 2004

Bickerstaff's Brainstem Encephalitis: Clinical Features of 62 Cases and a Subgroup Associated with Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Brain 126:2279-2290, Odaka,M.,et al, 2003

Neuro-Ophthalmic Manifestations of Lyme Disease
J Neuro-Ophthalmol 17:108-121, Balcer,L.J.,et al, 1997

Arterial Injuries in Transsphenoidal Surgery for Pituitary Adenoma:The Role of Angiography and Endovascular Treatment
ANJR 18:655-665, Raymond,J.,et al, 1997

Clinicopath Study of Paraneoplastic Brainstem Encephalitis and Ophthalmoparesis
J Neuro-Ophthalmol 16:44-48, Crino,P.B.,et al, 1996

Diagnostic Guidelines in Central Nervous System Whipple's Disease
Ann Neurol 40:561-568, Louis,E.D.,et al, 1996

Regional Subacute Cranial Neuropathies Following Internal Carotid Cisplatin Infusion
Neurol 47:1088-1090, Alderson,L.M.,et al, 1996

Transient Trochlear Nerve Palsy Following Anterior Temporal Lobectomy for Epilepsy
Neurol 45:1465-1468, Jacobson,D.M.,et al, 1995

Eye Movement Abnormalities in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Arch Neurol 52:1145-1149, Keane,J.R., 1995

Ocular Myasthenia:A Protean Disorder
Survey of Ophthalmology 39:169-210, Weinberg,D.A.,et al, 1994

Cytomegalovirus Ventriculoencephalitis in AIDS, A Syndrome with Distinct Clin & Path FEatures
Medicine 72:67-77, Kalayjian,R.C.,et al, 1993

Complete Ophthalmoplegia as a Complication of Acute Corticosteroid-and Pancuronium-Associated Myopathy
Neurol 41:921-922, Sitwell,L.D.,et al, 1991

Polyneuropathy, Ophthalmoplegia, Leukoencephalopathy, and Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction:POLIP Syndrome
Ann Neurol 28:349-360, Simon,L.T.,et al, 1990

Neurologic Sequelae of Domoic Acid Intoxication Due to the Ingestion of Contaminated Mussels
NEJM 322:1781-1787, Teitelbaum,J.S.,et al, 1990

The Characteristics and Mechanisms of Visual Disturbance Associated with Anticonvulsant Therapy
Neurol 40:791-796, Remler,B.F.,et al, 1990

Clinicopathological Correlation in a Case of Painful Ophthalmoplegia:Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome
JNNP 52:1290-1293, Goadsby,P.J.&Lance,J.W., 1989

Clinical Signs in the Wernicke-Korsakoff Complex:A Retrospective Analysis of 131 Cases Diagnosed at Necropsy
JNNP 49:341-345, Harper,C.G.,et al, 1986

Guillian-Barre Syndrome with Ophthalmopligia:Clinicopath of the Central & Peripheral Nervous Systems
Neurol 36:851-854, Dehaene,I.,et al, 1986

Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia with Narcotic Overdose
Ann Neurol 20:107, El-Mallakh,R.S., 1986

Carbamazepine-Induced Ophthalmoplegia
Arch Neurol 39:64, Mullally,W.J., 1982

Amitriptyline:Another Cause of Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia with Coma, Letter
Ann Neurol 12:62, Hotson,J.R.,et al, 1982

Transient Ophthalmoparesis with Doxepin Overdosage
Ann Neurol 9:618, LeWitt,P.A., 1981

Olivopontocerebellar Atrophy in Children:A Report of Seven Cases in Two Families
Ann Neurol 10:355-363, Colan,R.V.,et al, 1981

Amitriptyline-induced Ophthalmoplegia
Neurol 31:1188-1190, Spector,R.H.,et al, 1981

Nervous System Toxicity of Chemo Agents
Young, DF, in Vinken PJ, Bruyn GW, Handbook of Clin Neurol, North-Holland Publ Co, Amster, Vol 39, 1, 80, p 104, 1980

Total Gaze Paresis in Amitriptyline Overdose
Neurol 27:695, Miadinich,E.K.,et al, 1977

Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Paralysis in Patients Receiving Vincristine & Vinblastine
BMJ 1:1251, Whittaker,J.A., 1977

Phenytoin-induced Ophthalmoplegia
Neurol 26:1031, Spector,R.H.,et al, 1976

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