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Cardiac Pathology in Status Epilepticus
Ann Neurol 58:954-957, Manno,E.M.,et al, 2005

Patients with Epilepsy Who Die Suddenly Have Cardiac Disease
Arch Neurol 55:857-860, Natelson,B.H.,et al, 1998

Childhood Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome
NEJM 383:393-395, Levin, M., 2020

Cardiovascular Dysfunction in Multiple Sclerosis
Neurologist 20:108-114, Kaplan, T.B.,et al, 2015

Thromboembolic Adverse Events After Use of Recombinant Human Coagulation Factor VIIa
JAMA 295:293-298, OConnell,K.A.,et al, 2006

Myocardial Injury and Long-Term Mortality Following Moderate to Severe Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
JAMA 295:398-402, Henry,C.R.,et al, 2006

Left Insular Stroke is Associated with Adverse Cardiac Outcome
Neurol 66:477-483, Laowattana,S.,et al, 2006

Effects of Reviparin, a Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin, on Mortality, Reinfarction, and Strokes in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction Presenting With ST-Segment Elevation
JAMA 293:427-436, The CREATE Trial Group Investigators, 2005

Postictal Neurogenic Stunned Myocardium
Neurol 64:1977-1978, Chin,P.S.,et al, 2005

Trpitans in Migraine
Neurol 62:563-568, Hall,G.C.,et al, 2004

Myocardial Infarction Following Brief Convulsive Seizures
Neurol 63:2453-2454, Chin,P.S.,et al, 2004

Cardiac Troponin Levels Following Monitored Epileptic Seizures
Neurol 60:1690-1692, Woodruff,B.K.,et al, 2003

Relation Between Troponin T Concentration and Mortality in Patients Presenting with an Acute Stroke:Observational Study
BMJ 320:1502-1504, James,P.,et al, 2000

Intracranial Hemorrhage Associated With Thrombolytic Therapy for Eldery Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction
Stroke 31:1802-1811, Brass,L.M. et al, 2000

Serial Electrocardiographic Recording in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Stroke 20:1162-1167, Brouwers,P.J.A.M.,et al, 1989

Cardiovascular Regulation & Lesions of the Central Nervous System
Ann Neurol 18:1-12, Talman,W.T., 1985

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