Advances in Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
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Reversible Cerebral Atrophy and Substantia Nigra Changes after Vitamin B12 Treatment in Infantile Tremor Syndrome
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Diagnosis, Workup, Risk Reduction of Transient Ischemic Attack in the Emergency Department Setting:A Scientific Statement From the American HEart Association
Stroke 54:e109-e121, Hardik,P.A.,et al, 2023
Neuroimaging Findings in CHANTER Syndrome
AJNR 43:1136-1141, Mallikarjun, K.S.,et al, 2022
Clinicopathologic Conference, Delayed Postthypoxic Leukoencephalopathy
NEJM 384:2438-2445, Case 19-2021, 2021
"Disappearing Infarct" Is Late-Onset MELAS
Ann Neurol 90:1001-1002, Landis,T.M.,et al, 2021
Reversible Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Lesions in Acute Ischemic Stroke
Neurol 94:571-587, Nagaraja, N.,et al, 2020
Ischemic Diffusion Lesion Reversal After Endovascular Treatment
Stroke 50:1504-1509, Yoo, J.,et al, 2019
High-Resolution Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Identifies Ischemic Lesions in a Majority of Transient Ischemic Attack Patients
Ann Neurol 86:452-457, Hotter, B.,et al, 2019
Posterior Circulation Thrombectomy - Pc-ASPECT Score Applied to Preintervention Magnetic Resonance Imaging Can Accurately Predict Functional Outcome
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Cerebellar Hippocampal and Basal Nuclei Transient Edema with Restricted Diffusion (CHANTER) Syndrome
Neurocrit Care 31:228-296, Jasne, A.S.,et al, 2019
Clnicopathologic Conference Anti-N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) Receptor Encephalitis
NEJM 379:870-878, CASE 27-2018, 2018
Management of Acute Retinal Ischemia
Ophthalmol 125:1597-1607, Viousse, V.,et al, 2018
Optimal Timing of Diffusion-Weighted Imaging to Avoid False-Negative Findings in Patients with Transient Ischemic Attack
Stroke 48:1990-1992, Shono, K.,et al, 2017
Diagnosis of DWI-Negative Acute Ischemic Stroke
Neurol 89:256-262, Edlow, B.L.,et al, 2017
A Case of Fulminant Encephalopathy in a 69-year-old Woman
Neurol 89:e109-e114, Lamotte, G. and Williams, C, 2017
Recrudescence of Deficits After Stroke
JAMA Neurol 74:1048-1055, Topcuoglu, M.A.,et al, 2017
Clinicopathologic Conference, Biotinthiamine-Responsive Basal Ganglia Disease Due to Mutation SLC19A3
NEJM 377:2376-2385, Case 38-2017, 2017
Three Territory DWI Acute Infarcts: Diagnostic Value in Cancer-Associated Hypercoagulation Stroke (Trousseau Syndrome)
AJNR 37: Nov, Finelli, P.F. & Nouh, A., 2016
Spectrum of Imaging Appearances of Intracranial Cryptococcal Infection in HIV/AIDS Patients in the Anti-Retroviral Therapy Era
Clin Radiol 71:9-17, Offiah, C.E. & Naseer, A., 2016
Clinicopathologic Conference, CAT Scratch Disease (Encephalopathy Associated with Bartonella Henselae)
NEJM 372:2050-2058, Case 16-2015, 2015
Clinically Confirmed Stroke with Negative Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Stroke 46:3142-3148, Makin, S.D.J.,et al, 2015
Diffusion-Weighted Imaging in Transient Neurological Attacks
Ann Neurol 78:1005-1010, Van Rooij, F.G.,et al, 2015
Diffusion-Weighted Imaging in Transient Neurological Attacks
Ann Neurol 78:1005-1010, Van Rooij, F.G.,et al, 2015
Diffusion-Weighted Imaging and Diagnosis of Transient Ischemic Attack
Ann Neurol 75:67-76, Brazzelli, M.,et al, 2014
Diagnosis and Management of Acute Cerebellar Infarction
Stroke 45:e56-e58, Wright, J.,et al, 2014
Early Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Reversal after Endovascular Reperfusion is Typically Transient in Patients Imaged 3 to 6 Hours After Onset
Stroke 45:1024-1028, Inoue, M.,et al, 2014
DWI Reversal is Associated with Small Infarct Volume in Patient with TIA and Minor Stroke
AJNR 35:660-666, Asdaghi, N.,et al, 2014
Value of MRI of the Brain in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Neurologic Disturbance
Neuroradiol 46:15-21, Jennings, J.E.,et al, 2014
Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging May Underestimate Acute Ischemic Lesions
Stroke 44:1056-1061, Kawana, H.,et al, 2013
Negative Diffusion-Weighted Imaging After Intravenous Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator is Rare and Unlikely to Indicate Averted Infarction
Stroke 44-1629-1634, Freeman, J.,et al, 2013
Spectrum of Transient Visual Symptoms in a Transient Ischemic Attack Cohort
Stroke 44:3312-3317, Lavallee, P.C.,et al, 2013
Topographic Location of Acute Pontine Infarction is Associated with the Development of Progressive Motor Deficits
Stroke 43:708-713, Oh,S.,et al, 2012
Concurrent Acute Brain Infarcts in Patients with Monocular Visual Loss
Ann Neurol 72:286-293, Helenius, J.,et al, 2012
Characteristics of patients with minor ischaemic strokes and negative MRI: a cross-sectional study
JNNP 82:540-542, Doubal, F.N.,et al, 2011
Diffusion MR Imaging of Hypoglycemic Encephalopathy
AJNR 31:559-564, Kang,E.G.,et al, 2010
How Much Would Performing Diffusion-Weighted Imaging for All Transient Ischemic Attacks Increase MRI Utilization?
Stroke 41:2218-2222, Adeoye,O.,et al, 2010
Acute Hepatic Encephalopathy: Diffusion-Weighted and Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery Findings, and Correlation With Plasma Ammonia Level and Clinical Outcome
AJNR 31:1471-1479, McKinney,A.M.,et al, 2010
HINTS to Diagnose Stroke in the Acute Vestibular Syndrome: Three-Step Bedside Oculomotor Examination More Sensitive Than Early MRI Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
Stroke 40:3504-3510, Kattah,J.,et al, 2009
Bilateral Thalamic Lesions
AJR 192:W53-W62, Smith,A.B.,et al, 2009
Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome: Incidence of Atypical Regions of Involvement and Imaging Findings
AJR 189:904-912, McKinney, A.M.,et al, 2009
When to Expect Negative Diffusion-Weighted Images in Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack
Stroke 39:1898-1900, Sylaja,P.N.,et al, 2008
Admission International Normalized Ratio and Acute Infarct Volume in Ischemic Stroke
Ann Neurol 64:499-506, Ay,H.,et al, 2008
Clinical and Radiological Characteristics of Methotrexate-Induced Acute Encephalopathy in Pediatric Patients with Cancer
Ann Oncol 19:178-184, Inaba, H.,et al, 2008
Optimal Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Protocol for Lesion Detection in Transient Global Amnesia
AJNR 29:1324-1328, Weon, Y.C.,et al, 2008
Impact of Abnormal Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Results on Short-Term Outcome Following Transient Ischemic Attack
Arch Neurol 64:1105-1109,1080, Prabhakaran,S.,et al, 2007
Stroke as the First Manifestation of Concealed Cancer
J Neurol Sci 258:80-83, Kwon, H.M.,et al, 2007
Do Transient Ischemic Attacks with Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Abnormalities Correspond to Brain Infarctions?
AJNR 27:1782-1787, Oppenheim,C.,et al, 2006
Upside Down Reversal of Vision Due to an Isolated Acute Cerebellar Ischemic Infarction
J Neurol 253:953-954, Hern�ndez,A.H.,et al, 2006