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Filter Applied: Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (Click to remove)

The 5 Pillars in Tourette Syndrome Deep Brain Stimulation Patient Selection
Neurol 96:664-676, Martino, D.,et al, 2021

Treatment of Tics in People with Tourette Syndrome and Chronic Tic Disorders
Neurol 92:896-906, Pringsheim, T.,et al, 2019

Efficacy and Safety of Deep Brain Stimulation in Tourette Syndrome
JAMA Neurol 75:353-359, Martinez-Ramirez, D.,et al, 2018

Deep-Brain Stimulation - Entering the Era of Human Neural-Network Modulation
NEJM 371:1369-1373, Okun, M.S., 2014

A Trial of Scheduled Deep Brain Stimulation for Tourette Syndrome
JAMA Neurol 70:85-94, Okun, M.,et al, 2013

Long-Term Outcome of Thalamic Deep Brain Stimulation in Two Patients With Tourette Syndrome
JNNP 81:1068-1072, Achermans,L.,et al, 2010

Tourettes Syndrome
NEJM 363:2332-2338, Kurlan,R., 2010

Deep Brain Stimulation for Tourette Syndrome
Neurol 73:e87-e90, Black,K., 2009

Thalmic Deep Brain Stimulation for Treatment-Refractory Tourette Syndrome
Neurol 73:1375-1380,e87, Porta,M.,et al, 2009

Deep Brain Stimulation in 18 Patients With Severe Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome Refractory to Treatment: The Surgery and Stimulation
JNNP 79:136-142,111, Servello,D.,et al, 2008

Internal Pallidal and Thalamic Stimulation in Patients With Tourette Syndrome
Arch Neurol 65:952-957, Welter,M.-L.,et al., 2008

GPi Deep Brain Stimulation for Tourette Syndrome Improves Tics and Psychiatric Comorbidities
Neurol 68:159-161, Shahed,J.,et al, 2007

Tourettes Syndrome and Deep Brain Stimulation
JNNP 76:992-995, Houeto,J.L.,et al, 2005

Diagnosis and Treatment of Tourette Syndrome
Neurol 87:e65-e67, Hirschtritt, M.E.,et al, 2016

Tourettes Syndrome
BMJ 347:f4964, Cavanna, A.E. & Seri, S., 2013

PANDAS,Feb, Erfe,M.C.B., 2011

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
BMJ 333:424-429, Heyman,I.,et al, 2006

Use of Levetiracetam to Treat Tics in Chidlren and Adolescents With Tourette Syndrome
Movement Disorders 20:714-718, Awaad,Y.,et al, 2005

Ropinirole in Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome
Neurol 62:1626-1627, Anea,M.H.,et al, 2004

Tourette's Syndrome
Lancet 360:1577-1586, Leckman,J.F., 2002

Baclofen Treatment in Tourette Syndrome
Neurol 56:599-604, Singer,H.S.,et al, 2001

Tourette's Syndrome
NEJM 345:1184-1192, Jankovic,J., 2001

Tourette's Syndrome Improvement with Pergolide in a Randomized, Double-Blind, Crossover Trial
Neurol 54:1310-1315, Gilbert,D.L.,et al, 2000

Tourette Syndrome:Update and Review of the Literature
The Neurologist 4:188-195, Feigin,A.&Clarke,H., 1998

A Controlled Trial of Deprenyl in Children with Tourette's Syndrome and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Neurol 46:965-968, Feigin,A.,et al, 1996

Tourette's Syndrome:A Model Neuropsychiatric Disorder
JAMA 273:498-501, Hyde,T.M.&Weinberger,D.R., 1995

The Treatment of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Tourette's Syndrome:A Study with Clonidine & Desipramine
Pediatrics 95:74-81, Singer,H.S.,et al, 1995

Resperidone in Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome
Neurol 45:1419, Shulman,L.M.,et al, 1995

The Early Course of the Tourette's Syndrome Clinical Spectrum
Neurol 43:1712-1715, park,S.,et al, 1993

Tourette Syndrome and Other Tic Disorders, Diagnosis, Pathophysiology, and Treatment
Medicine 70:15-32, Singer,H.S.&Walkup,J.T., 1991

A Controlled Trial of Propoxyphene and Naltrexone in Patients with Tourette's Syndrome
Ann Neurol 30:19-23, Kurlan,R.,et al, 1991

Tourette's Syndrome:Current Concepts
Neurol 39:1625-1630, Kurland,R., 1989

Pimozide Treatment of Tic & Tourette Disorders
Pediatrics 79:1032-1039, Shapiro,A.K.,et al, 1987

Treatment of Gilles de la Tourette's Syndrome:Experience in a Predominantly Adult Population
Neurol 37:1828-1833, Mesulam,M.M.&Peterson,R.C., 1987

Short- & Long-Term Treatment of Tourette's Syndrome with Clonidine:A Clinical Perspective
Neurol 35:343-351, Leckman,J.F.,et al, 1985

Gilles de la Tourette's Syndrome, A Review of Clinical, Research & Future Directions for Investigation
Arch Neurol 42:393-397, Caine,E.D., 1985

Pimozide for Tourette's Disorder
Medical Letter 27:3-4, , 1985

Effect of Tetrabenazine on Tics & Sleep of Gilles de la Tourette's Syndrome
Neurol 34:688-692, Jankovic,J.,et al, 1984

Treatment of Tourette's Syndrome with R022-1913, A D-2-Receptor Antagonist
NEJM 311:989, Uhr,S.B.,et al, 1984

Tic Disorders
JAMA 245:1583-1585, Shapiro,E.,et al, 1981

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