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Precipitous Deterioration of Motor Function, Cognition, and Behavior
JAMA Neurol 74:591-596, Fernandez-Fournier, M.,et al, 2017

Non-convulsive Status Epilepticus: Usefulness of Clinical Features in Selecting Patients for Urgent EEG
JNNP 74:189-191, Husain,A.M.,et al, 2003

Electrographic Status Epilepticus in Fatal Anoxic Coma
Ann Neurol 20:351-355, Simon,R.P.&Aminoff,M.J., 1986

Clinicopathologic Conference, MELAS (mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke like episodes)
NEJM 376:1668-1678, CASE 13-2017, 2017

Anti-NMDA-Receptor Encephalitis: Case Series and Analysis of the Effects of Antibodies
Lancet Neurol 7:1091-1098, Dalmau,J.,et al, 2008

An Adolescent Girl Presenting with Worsening Vertigo, Headache, and Ataxia
Neurol 95:e1760-e1763, Brigham, E.,et al, 2020

Clinicopathologic Conference, Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
NEJM 381:1569-1578, Case 32-2019, 2019

Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Deficiency (PDCD)
eMedicine.medscape,com, Aug, Frye,R.E.,et al, 2018

Epileptic Monocular Nystagmus
Neurol 59:1438-1441, Grant,A.C.,et al, 2002

Bilateral Ocular Motor Signs After Tentorial Herniation in 25 Patients
Arch Neurol 43:806-807, Keane,J.R., 1986

Case Records of MGH
NEJM 288:674, Cerebral Abscess-Bacterial1973., , 1973

Encephalomyelopathy of Leigh
Editorial BMJ 238, 1971, May., , 1971

A 48-Year-Old Woman Presenting with Vertigo, Ptosis, and Red Eyes
Neurol 98:678-683, Kim, K.T.,et al, 2022

A 37-Year-Old Man with Involuntary Movements, Gait Disturbance, and Hyperasthesia
Neurol 98:851-853, Meng, D.,et al, 2022

Clinicopathologic Conference, Cerebellar Ataxia, Neuropathy and Vestibular Areflexia Syndrome
NEJM 385:165-175, Case 20-2021, 2021

A 28-Year-Old Woman with Vision Loss and an Unusual Gait
Neurol 97:e1860-e1865, Dohlman, J.C.,et al, 2021

Palatal Myoclonus, Abnormal Eye Movements, and Olivary Hypertrophy in GAD65-Related Disorder
Neurol 94:273-275, Macaron, G.,et al, 2020

Progressive Ataxia and Palatal Tremor
Neurol 94:e1445-e1447, Pradeep, S.,et al, 2020

Clinical Manifestations of the anti-IgLON5 Disease
Neurol 88:1736-1743,1688, Gaig, C.,et al, 2017

Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 2: Clinicogenetic Aspects, Mechanistic Insights, and Management Approaches
Front Neurol doi:10.3389/fneur.2017.00472, Velazquez-Perez, L.C.,et al, 2017

Rapid Multifocal Neurologic Decline in an Immunocompromised Patient
JAMA Neurol 73:226-231, Kromm, J.A.,et al, 2016

Criteria for the Diagnosis of Corticobasal Degeneration
Neurol 80:496-503, Armstrong, M.J.,et al, 2013

Adult-Onset Opsoclonus-Myoclonus Syndrome
Arch Neurol 69:1598-1607, Klaas, J.,et al, 2012

GFAP Mutations, Age at Onset, and Clinical Subtypes in Alexander Disease
Neurol 77:1287-1294, Prust, M.,et al, 2011

Clinicopath Conf., Anti-MNDAR Antibody Mediated Paraneoplastic Limbic Encephalitis Associated With Ovarian Teratoma
NEJM 359:842-853, Case 26-2008, 2008

Whipples Disease
NEJM 356:55-66, Fenollar,F.,et al, 2007

Clinicopath Conf, Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis, Late-Onset Infantile Subtype
NEJM 347:672-680, Case 27-2002, 2002

Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease and Related Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies
NEJM 339:1994-2004, Johnson,R.T. & Gibbs,Jr.,C.J., 1998

Clinicopath Conf
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, Case 26, 1997, NEJM 337:549-55697., , 1997

Semin Neurol 16:21-26, Averbuch-Heller,L.&Remler,B., 1996

Clinicopath Conf
Ganglioneuroblastoma of Adrenal Gland, Opsoclonus-Myoclonus-Ataxia Syndrome, Paraneoplastic, Case 27, 199EJM 333:579-586,1995., 1995

Anti-Ri Antibodies Associated with Opsoclonus and Progressive Encephalomyelitis with Rigidity
Neurol 44:1521-1522, Casado,J.L.,et al, 1994

Novel Brainstem Syndrome Associated with Prostate Carcinoma
Neurol 43:2591-2596, Baloh,R.W.,et al, 1993

The Characteristics and Mechanisms of Visual Disturbance Associated with Anticonvulsant Therapy
Neurol 40:791-796, Remler,B.F.,et al, 1990

Ipsiversive Eye Deviation and Epileptic Nystagmus
Neurol 40:662-665, Tusa,R.J.,et al, 1990

Caze Distractibility in Wilson's Disease
Ann Neurol 25:415-417, Lennox,G.&Jones,R., 1989

Infantile Bilateral Striatal Necrosis, Clinicopathological Classification
Arch Neurol 43:677-680, Mito,T.,et al, 1986

Neurologic Signs in Senescence
Arch Neurol 42:1154-1157, Jenkyn,L.R.,et al, 1985

Neurologic Signs In Uncomplicated Aging (Senscence)
Seminars In Neurology, Thieme-Stratton Inc. , New York, N. Y. pp. 21-30, Jenkyn,L.R.&Reeves,A.G., 1981

Neurologic Complications After Treatment for Whipple's Disease:A Report of Four Patients
Medicine 55:467, Knox,D.L.,et al, 1976

Progressive Supranuclear Palsy-Case Study
NEJM 293:346, Richardson,E.P., 1975

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