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The First Seizure and Its Management in Adults and Children
BMJ 332:339-342, Pohlmann-Eden,B.,et al, 2006

Early Treatment of a Single Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizure to Prevent Recurrence
Arch Neurol 53:1149-1152, Gilad,R.,et al, 1996

First Seizure Management-Reconsidered, Response I, II, & III, Controversies in Neurology
Fisher, R. S. , Dasheiff, R. , Arch Neurol 44:1189-1191, Fromm,G.H., 1987

Evidence-Based Guideline: Management of an Unprovoked First Seizure in Adults
Neurol 84:1705-1713, Krumholz, A.,et al, 2015

Cerebral Sinovenous Thrombosis in the Neonate
Arch Neurol 63:405-409, Fitzgerald,K.C.,et al, 2006

Thrombosis of the Cerebral VEins and Sinuses
NEJM 352:1791-1798, Stam,J., 2005

Practice Parameter: Treatment of the Child with a First Unprovoked Seizure
Neurol 60:166-175, Hirtz,D.,et al, 2003

Do Anticonvulsants Alter the Natural Course of Epilepsy
BMJ 310:176-178, Reynolds,E.H.&Chadwick,D., 1995

Vascular Malformations of the Central Nervous System
www.UptoDate.Com, March, Singer,R.J.,et al, 2024

Andexanet for Factor Xa Inhibitor-Associated Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage
NEJM 390:1745-1755, 1815, Connolly,S.J.,et al, 2024

Antithrombotic Therapy in Patients with Cerebral Microbleeds or Cortical Siderosis, Is This Contraindicated?
Neurol 100:551-552, Schneck,M.J., &Biller,J., 2023

The SANAD II Study of the Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Valproate Versus Levetiracetam for Newly Diagnosed Generalised and Unclassifiable Epilepsy: An Open-Label, Non-Inferiority, Multicentre, Phase 4, Randomised Controlled Trial
Lancet 397:1375-1386, Marson, A.,et al, 2021

Administering Thrombolysis for Acute Ischemic Stroke in Patients Taking Direct Oral Anticoagulants
JAMA Neurol 78:515-518, Seiffge, D.J.,et al, 2021

Direct to Angiography Suite Without Stopping for Computed Tomography Imaging for Patients with Acute Stroke
JAMA Neurol 78:1099-1107, Requena, M.,et al, 2021

Telemedicine in Neurology
Neurol 94:30-38,16, Hatcher-Martin, J.M.,et al, 2020

Pharmacologic Treatment for Pediatric Migraine Prevention
Neurol 93:500-509, Oskoui, M.,et al, 2019

Intravenous Thrombolysis for Suspected Ischemic Stroke with Seizure at Onset
Ann Neurol 86:770-779, Polymeris, A.A.,et al, 2019

Patent Foramen Ovale Closure, Antiplatelet Therapy or Anticoagulation Therapy Alone for Management of Cryptogenic Stroke?
BMJ 362:k2515, Kuijpers, T.,et al, 2018

Arteriovenous Malformations of the Brain
NEJM 376:1859-1866, Solomon, R.A. & Connolly, E.S., 2017

Off-Label use of Direct Oral Anticoagulants in Intracerebral Hemorrhage Patients with Prosthetic Valves
Stroke 48:3183-3186, Chaturvedi, S.,et al, 2017

Should Patients with Ischemic Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack with Atrial Fibrillation and Microbleeds be Anticoagulated?
Stroke 48:3408-3412, Shoamanesh, A.,et al, 2017

Embolic Stroke, Atrial Fibrillation, and Microbleeds
Stroke 47:904-907, Diener, H-C.,et al, 2016

Stability of International Normalized Ratios in Patients Taking Long-Term Warfarin Therapy
JAMA 316:661-662, Pokorney, S.D.,et al, 2016

Review of the Utility of Prophylactic Anticonvulsant Use in Critically Ill Patients with Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Stroke 47:2666-2672, Gilmore, E.J.,et al, 2016

Clinicopathologic Conference, Oligdendroglioma II/IV with IDH1 R132H mutation and codelation of 1p and 19q
NEJM 375:2381-2389, Case 38-206, 2016

Treatment Concepts for Wake-Up Stroke and Stroke with Unknown Time of Symptom Onset
Stroke 46:2707-2713, Thomalla, G. & Gerloff, C., 2015

Reperfusion Therapies for Wake-Up Stroke
Stroke 45:1869-1875, Buck, D.,et al, 2014

Treatment of Patients with Suspected Ischemic Stroke of Undetermined Onset and Negative Head Computed Tomography Scan
Stroke 44:1494-1495, Adams, H., 2013

A Plain Computed Tomography Scan is Sufficient to Consider Thrombolysis in Patients with Unknown Time of Onset
Stroke 44:1492-1493, Alexandrov, A., 2013

The Eye of the Beholder: Inter-rater Agreement among Experts on Psychogenic Jerky Movement Disorders
JNNP 84:742-747, Van de Salm, S.,et al, 2013

Seizure risk with AVM Treatment or Conservative Management
Neurol 79:500-507, Josephson, C.B.,et al, 2012

Minimally Invasive Surgery for Spontaneous Supratentorial Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Stroke 43:2923-2930, Zhou, X.,et al, 2012

Early Decompressive Hemicraniectomy in Older Patients With Nondominant Hemispheric Infarction Does Not Improve Outcome
Stroke 42:845-846, 847, van der Worp,H.B. &Kappelle,L.J., 2011

Early Decompressive Hemicraniectomy in Older Patients With Nondominant Hemispheric Infarction Improves Outcome
Stroke 42:843-844, 847, J�ttler,E. &Hacke,W., 2011

Revascularization of Asymptomatic High-Grade Carotid Stenosis Is Still Indicated in Some Cases
Stroke 42:1152-1153, 1156, Markus,H., 2011

Revascularization of Asymptomatic High-Grade Stenosis Is Not Indicated With Contemporary Stroke Prevention Medical Therapy
Stroke 42:1154-1155, 1156, Ingall,T.J., 2011

PANDAS,Feb, Erfe,M.C.B., 2011

A 31-Year-Old Woman with a Transformed Low-Grade Glioma
JAMA 303:967-976, Warnke,P.C., 2010

Guidelines for the Management of Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Stroke 41:2108-2129, Morgenstern,L.B.,et al, 2010

The Value of Specifying Brand-Name Antiepileptic Drugs
Arch Neurol 66:1415-1416, 1418, Ng,Y., 2009

Generic Anticonvulsant Use in Children: Do We Have Evidence to Recommend Brand Formulations?
Arch Neurol 66:1417-1418, Hamiwka,L., 2009

Thunderclap Headache With Normal CT and Lumbar Puncture: Further Investigations Are Unnecessary: For
Stroke 39:1392-1393,1396, Savitz,S.I. &Edlow,J., 2008

Thunderclap Headache With Normal CT and Lumbar Puncture: Further Investigations Are Unnecessary: Against
Stroke 39:1394-1395,1396, Moussouttas,M. &Mayer,S.A., 2008

A 24-Year-Old Woman with Intractable Seizures: Review of Surgery for Epilepsy
JAMA 300:2527-2538,2568, Schomer,D.I. &Black,P.M., 2008

Recurrent Stroke and Massive Right-to-Left Shunt: Results from the Prospective Spanish Multicenter (CODICIA) Study
Stroke 39:3131-3136, Serena,J.,et al, 2008

Antithrombotic and Interventional Treatment Options in Cardioembolic Transient Ischaemic Attack and Ischaemic Stroke
JNNP 78:14-24, McCabe,D.J.H. &Rakhit,R.D., 2007

Thrombolysis for Ischemic Stroke in Children. Data From the Natioinwide Inpatient Sample
Stroke 38:1850-1854,1722, Janjua,N.,et al, 2007

Outcome in Adult Low-Grade Glioma: The Impact of Prognostic Factors and Treatment
Neurol 69:1366-1373, Schiff,D.,et al, 2007

The Parkinsons Complex: Parkinsonism Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg
Ann Neurol 59:591-596, Langston,J.W., 2006

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