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Sjogren Syndrome: Neurologic Complications,Jan, Roman,G.C., 2010

Polymyositis, Dermatomyositis, and Inclusion-Body Myositis
NEJM 325:1487-1498, Dalakas,M.C., 1991

Clinicopathologic Conference, Anti-IgLON5 IgG-Associated Neurologic Disorder
NEJM 386:173-180, Case 1-2022, 2022

A 29-Year-Old Man with Fevers and Rapidly Progressive Cranial Neuropathies
Neurol 97:95-98, Dessy, A.,et al, 2021

A 42-Year-Old Woman with Mysterious Monocytic Meningitis
Neurol 97:449-454, Nothem, M.E., et al, 2021

Young Adult with Dysphagia and Severe Weight Loss
Neurol 91:e1083-e1086, Irumudomon, O. & Ghosh, P.S., 2018

Rheumatoid Pannus of the Cervical Spine
Neurol 88:e51, Weerasinghe, D.,et al, 2017

Neuroimaging and Clinical Features in Type II (late-onset) Alexander Disease
Neurol 82:49-56, Graff-Radford, J.,et al, 2014

Disorders of the Nervous System Caused by Drugs, Toxins, and Chemical Agents, Botulism
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology Chp 43, pg 1218, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Clinicopathologic Conference, Villaret Syndrome (Ipsilateral Cranial Nerves and Cervical Sympathetic Fibers) due to a Carotid-Artery Dissection and an Associated Aneurysm
NEJM 366:2306-2313, Case 18-2012, 2012

Transverse Myelitis
NEJM 363:564-572, Frohman,E.M. &Wingerchuk,D.M., 2010

Neurological Consequences of Atrioesophageal Fistula After Radiofrequency Ablation in Atrial Fibrillation
Arch Neurol 66:884-887, St�llberger,C.,et al, 2009

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Lancet 369:2031-2041, Mitchell,J.D. & Borasio,G.D., 2007

Polymyositis Masquerading as Motor Neuron Disease
Arch Neurol 60:1001-1003, Ryan,A.,et al, 2003

Left Internal Carotid Artery Dissection Presenting with Headache, Collet-Sicard Syndrome and Sustained Hypertension
Eur J Neurol 10:731-732, Walker, S.,et al, 2003

Cranial Nerve Palsies in Spontaneous Carotid Artery Dissection
JNNP 56:1191-1199, Sturzenegger,M.&Huber,P., 1993

Chiari I Malformations:Clinical and Radiologic Reappraisal
Radiology 183:347-353, Elster,A.D.&Chen,M.Y.M., 1992

Clinical and Electrodignostic Features of X-Linked Recessive Bulbospinal Neuronopathy
Neurol 41:823-828, Olney,R.K.,et al, 1991

Clinicopath Conf
Chronic Osteomyelitis of Spine, with Intervertebral Diskitis (T3-T4) & Epidural Abscess (Staph Aureu, ) , Cas9,NEJM 320:1610-1618,1989., 1989

Clinicopath Conf
Lymphoma, Large-Cell (B type) of CNS, (Temporal & Frontal Lobes, Br Stem, Sp Cord, Meninges, & Nr Ro, t) , Case RecM 319:426-436,1988., 1988

Meningeal Carcinomatosis
Arch Neurol 38:696-699, Theodore,W.H.,et al, 1981

Neurological Deficit After Carotid Endarterectomy
Am J Nursing 79:654-658, Webb,P.H., 1979

Neuromuscular Disease in Primary Hyperparathyroidism
Ann Int Med 80:182, Patten,B.M.,et al, 1974

Infiltration of the Leptomeninges by Systemic Cancer:a Clinical & Pathologic Study
Arch Neurol 30:122, Olson,M.E.,et al, 1974

Case Records of MGH-NEJM 289:366
1973 Tuberculoma of Cerebral hemisphere & Brain Stem., , 1973

Neurologic Complications of Malignant External Otitis
Neurol 21:1077, Schwarz,G.A.,et al, 1971

Brain Stem Tumors of Childhood & Adolescence
Am J Dis Child 119:465-472, Panitch,H.S.,et al, 1970

A 22-Year-Old Woman with Episodic Weakness and Jaundice
Neurol 103:e210018, Rathinasbapathi,M.,et al, 2024

A 65-Year-Old Woman with Isolated Macroglossia as the Initial Presentation of a Rare Disease
Neurol 103:e210070, Lara,C.,et al, 2024

Epidemiology, Survival, and Clinical Characteristics of Inclusion Body Myositis
Ann Neurol 92:201-212, Lindgren, U.,et al, 2022

A 71-Year-Old Man Presenting with Acute Onset Dysarthria and Dysphagia
Neurol 96:180-184, Spagni, G.,et al, 2021

Tapia Syndrome at the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Neurol 95:312-313, Decavel, P.,et al, 2020

Toxidrome Recognition in Chemical - Weapons Attacks
NEJM 378:1611-1620, Ciottone, G.R., 2018

A Curable Myopathy Manifesting as Exercixe Intolerance and Respirtory Failure
Neurol 91:187-190, Silva,A.M.S.,et al, 2018

The Heart Sign in a Patient with Apparent Locked-In Syndrome
Neurol 91:e2102-e2103, Cardenas, Y.M.,et al, 2018

MRI Findings in Collet-Sicard Syndrome
Neurol 88:811, , 2017

Precipitous Deterioration of Motor Function, Cognition, and Behavior
JAMA Neurol 74:591-596, Fernandez-Fournier, M.,et al, 2017

Clinicopathologic Conference, Botulism
NEJM 372:364-372, Case 3-2015, 2015

Pharyngeal-Cervical-Brachial Variant of Guillain-Barr� Syndrome
JNNP 85:339-344, Wakerley, B.R. & Yuki, N., 2014

Progressive Neuropsychiatric Symptoms and Motor Impairment
JAMA Neurol 71:794-798, Ghadiri, M.,et al, 2014

Degenerative Diseases of the Nervous System, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 39, pg 1109, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Degenerative Diseases of the Nervous System, Progressive Bulbar Palsy
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 39, pg 1111, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Clinicopathologic Conference, Rabies Encephalitis
NEJM 368:172-180, Case 1-2013, 2013

Esophageal Sarcoidosis: A Review of Cases and an Update
ISRN Gastroenterology ID836203, Abraham, A.,et al, 2013

Bright Tongue Sign in ALS
Neurol 79:1520, Fox, M.D. & Cohen, A.B., 2012

Late onset autism and anti-NMDA-receptor encephalitis
Lancet 378:98;378, Creten, C.,et al, 2011

Clinicopathologic Conference, Thymoma with Paraneoplastic Myasthenia Gravis, Polymyositis and Myocarditis, and Brain Stem Encephalitis
NEJM 365:2413-2422, Case 39-2011, 2011

Polyneuritis Cranialis Caused by Varicella Zoster Virus in the Absence of Rash
Neurol 74:85-86, Murata,K.,et al, 2010

Diagnosis and Management of Motor Neurone Disease
BMJ 336:658-662, McDermott,C.J. &Shaw,P.J., 2008

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