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Newer-Generation Antiepileptic Drugs and the Risk of Major Birth Defects
JAMA 305:1996-2002, Molgaard, D. & Hviid, A., 2011

Major Malformations in Offspring of Women with Epilepsy
Neurol 60:575-579, Kaaja,E.,et al, 2003

Effects of Oxcarbazepine on Cognitive Function in Children and Adolescents with Partial Seizures
Neurol 67:679-682, Donati,F.,et al, 2006

The New Antiepileptic Drugs, Scientific Review
JAMA 291:605-614, LaRoche,S.M.&Helmers,S.L., 2004

New Antiepileptic Drugs
Arch Neurol 55:1181-1183, Bourgeois,B.F.D., 1998

New Antiepileptic Drugs
NEJM 334:1583-1590, Dichter,M.A.&Brodie,M.J., 1996

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