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Neurologic Complications of Polycythemia
Ann Int Med 57:909, Silverstein,A.,et al, 1962

Neurotoxicity of Commonly Used Antineoplastic Agents
NEJM 291:75, 1271974., Weiss,H.,et al, 1974

Polycythemia Vera Presenting with Ischemic Strokes in Multiple Arterial Territories
Neurol 82:e168-e170, Billakota, S. & Husseini, N.E., 2014

Brain Lesions Are Most Often Reversible in Acute Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
Neurol 73:66-70, Burrus,T.M.,et al, 2009

Antiepileptics and Blood Dyscrasias: A Cohort Study
Pharmacotherapy 18:1277-1283, Blackburn,S.C.F.,et al, 1998

Neurologic Syndromes Associated with Primary Thrombocythemia
J Mount Sinai Hosp NY 36:317, Korenman,G., 1969

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