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Filter Applied: pramipexole (Click to remove)

Excessive Daytime Sleepiness and Sudden-Onset Sleep in Parkinson Disease
JAMA 287:455-463,509, Hobson,D.E.,et al, 2002

Pramipexole vs Levodopa as Initial Treatment for Parkinson Disease
JAMA 284:1931-1938,1971, Parkinson Study Group, 2000

Safety of Pramipexole in Patients with Restless Legs Syndrome
Neurol 55:1589-1590, Stiasny,K.,et al, 2000

Falling Asleep at the Wheel:Motor Vehicle Mishaps in Persons Taking Pramipexole and Ropinirole
Neurol 52:1908-1910, Frucht,S.,et al, 1999

Restless Legs Syndrome
NEJM 348:2103-2109, Earley,C.J., 2003

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