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Evolving Treatment Strategies for Epilepsy
JAMA 287:2917-2920, Diaz-Arrastia,R.,et al, 2002

Evidence-based Guideline: Treatment of Parenchymal Neurocysticercosis
Neurol 80:1424-1429, Baird, R.,et al, 2013

Drug-Resistant Epilepsy
NEJM 365:919-26, Kwan, P.,et al, 2011

Epilepsy in Children
Lancet 367:499-524, Guerrini,R., 2006

Recent Advnaces in the Treatment of Epilepsy
Arch Neurol 60:929-935, Nguyen,D.K. &Spencer,S.S., 2003

Epilepsy: New Advances
Lancet 385:884-898, Moshe, S.L.,et al, 2015

Early Surgical Therapy for Drug-Resistant Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
JAMA 307:922-930,966,985, Engel,J.,et al, 2012

A Systematic Review of Antiepilpetic Drug Initiation and Withdrawal
The Neurologist 15:122-131, Shih,J.J &Ochoa,J.G., 2009

Adult Epilepsy
Lancet 367:1087-1100, Duncan,J.S.,et al, 2006

Epilepsy Syndromes in Infancy
Pediatr Neurol 34:253-263, Korff,C.M. &Nordii,D.R.,Jr., 2006

Association of Multidrug Resistance in Epilepsy with a Polymorphism in the Drug-Transporter Gene ABCB1
NEJM 348:1442-1448,1480, Siddiqui,A.,et al, 2003

New Drugs:Which Should Be Included in the Formulary?, Epilepsy:All New Drugs Should Be Included
Arch Neurol 57:272-273,275, Pierre-Louis,S.J.C., 2000

Management of Epilepsy in Adolescents and Adults
Lancet 356:323-329, Brodie,M.J. & French,J.A., 2000

Medical Management of Epilepsy in Adults
Neurol 51:S15-S20, Mattson,R.H., 1999

Topiramate in Clinical Practice:First Year's Postlicensing Experience in a Specialist Epilepsy Clinic
JNNP 66:759-763, Kellett,M.W.,et al, 1999

Do New Antiepileptic Drugs Justify Their Expense
Arch Neurol 55:1140-1142, Chadwick,D., 1998

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