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Clinicopathologic Conference, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Meningitis
NEJM 384:166-176, Case 1-2021, 2021

Childhood Primary Angiitis of the Central Nervous System, Dec, Twilt, M. & Benseler, S., 2019

Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy Related Inflammation: Three Case Reports and a Review
JNNP 82:20-26, Chung,K.K.,et al, 2011

Nervous system dysfunction in Henoch-Schonlein Syndrome: Systematic review of the Literature
Rheumatol 48:1524-1529, Garzoni, L.,et al, 2009

Angiography-Negative Primary Central Nervous System Vasculitis in Children
Arthritis Rheum 52:2159-2167, Benseler, S.M.,et al, 2005

Idiopathic Granulomatous Angiitis of the Central Nervous System
Arch Neurol 50:925-930, Vollmer,T.L.,et al, 1993

Adverse Drug Effects Attributed to Phenylpropanolamine:A Review of 142 Case Reports
Am J Med 89:195-208, Lake,C.R.,et al, 1990

Neuropsychiatric Manifest. of SLE:Diagnosis, Clinical Spectrum, & Relationship to Other Features of the Disease
Medicine 55:323, Feinglass,E.J.,et al, 1976

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (CNS Manifestations)
Radiopaedia, , 2024

Primary Central Nervous System Vasculitis
NEJM 391:1028-1037, Salvarani,C.,et al, 2024

Clinical Reasoning: A 39-Year-Old Returning traveler with Acute Encephalopathy and Strokes
Neurol 104:e210177, Buback,ClT.,et al, 2024

Primary Angiitis of the CNS Presenting with Recurrent Intracranial Hemorrhage
Neurol 94:e992-e995, Rice, J.,et al, 2020

Central Nervous System Infections Due to Coccidioidomycosis
J Fungi 5:2-12, Jackson, N.R.,et al, 2019

Paraneoplastic Cerebral Vasculitis
Neurol 90:e815-e817, Patil, A.,et al, 2018

Behcet Disease Dec, Davey-Ranasinghe, N. & Diamond, H.S., 2018

A Woman in Her 60s with Chronic Meningitis from Aspergillus
JAMA Neurol 74:348-352, Pichler, M.R.,et al, 2017

Intracranial and Extracranial Neurovascular Manifestations of Takayasu Arteritis
AJNR 38:766-772, Bond, K.M.,et al, 2017

Aneurysmal Subarachnoid and Spinal Hemorrhage Associated with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Stroke 47:e42-e45, Harriott, A.,et al, 2016

Clinicopathologic Conference, Cerebral Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis
NEJM 371:162-173, Case 21-2014, 2014

Central Nervous System Vasculitis Associated with Hepatitis C Virus Infection: A Brain MRI-Supported Diagnosis
J Neurol Sci 336:152-154, Castro Caldas, A.,et al, 2014

Extra- and Intracranial Cerebral Vasculitis in Giant Cell Arteritis
Medicine doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000000265, Lariviere, D.,et al, 2014

Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Infection: Neurologic Complications, Oct, Greenlee, J.E., 2013

Cogan Syndrome An Analysis of Reported Neurological Manifestations
The Neurologist 18:55-63, Antonios,N. and Silliman,S., 2012

Periarteritis Nodosa, June, Ramachandran, T. & Roos, R., 2010

Primary Angiitis of the Central Nervous System
Arch Neurol 66:704-709, Birnbaum,J. &Hellmann,D.B., 2009

A Young Man with Rapidly Progressive Multifocal Disease Affecting the White matter
Pract Neurol 7:172-181, Hilton-Jones,D.,et al, 2007

Paraneoplastic Vasculitis of Central Nervous System Presenting as Recurrent Cryptogenic Stroke
Int J Clin Oncol 12:155-159, Taccone,F.S.,et al, 2007

ANCA-Associated Vasculitis (AAV) causing Bilateral Cerebral Infarction and Subsequent Intracerebral Hemorrhage without Renal and Respiratory Dysfunction
J Neurol Sci 240:99-101, Ito, Y.,et al, 2006

Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia
Arch Neurol 62:714-717, Keane,J.R., 2005

Imaging Manifestations of Neurosarcoidosis
AJR 182:289-295, Smith, J.K.,et al, 2004

Cerebral Vasculitis Caused by Aspergillus Species in an Immunocompetent Adult
Infection 32:360-363, Roberts, M.,et al, 2004

Clinicopath Conf,Classic Polyarteritis Nodosa Associated with Hepatitis B Infection
NEJM 348:333-342, Case 3-2003, 2003

Clinicopath Conf,Cerebral Amyloid Angiogpathy and Giant-Cell Inflammatory Reaction to Beta 4-Amyloid and Vasculitis, Case 10-2000
NEJM 342:957-965, , 2000

Adverse Cardiovascular and Central Nervous System Events Associated with Dietary Supplements Containing Ephedra Alkaloids
NEJM 343:1833-1838,1886, Haller,C.A. & Benowitz,N.L., 2000

The Central Nervous system and Infection by Candida Species
Diagn Microbial Infect Dis 37:169-179, Sanchez-Portocarrero, J.,et al, 2000

Clinicopath Conf
Wegener's Granulomatosis Involving Sinuses, Skull, and Cranial Nerves, Case 28-1998, NEJM 339:755-76, , 199, 1998

Clinicopath Conf
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever with Meningoencephalomyelitis, Vasculitis and Focal Myocarditis, Case 3, -17,NEJM 337:1149-1156,1997., 1997

Candidal Meningitis in HIV-Infected Patients: Analysis of 14 Cases
Clin Inf Dis 25:473-476, Casado, J.L.,et al, 1997

Cerebrovascular complic of Neurocysticercosis, Clin & Neuroimaging Spectrum
Arch Neurol 53:233-239, Cantu,C.&Barinagarrementeria,F., 1996

Clinicopath Conf
Polyarteritis Nodosa, with Neuropathy, Case 40-1994, NEJM 331:1293-130094., , 1994

Takayasu Arteritis
Ann Intern Med 120:919-929, Kerr, G.S.,et al, 1994

Clinicopath Conf
Cerebral Vasculitis Involving Small Vessels, Consistent with Cocaine, Cerebral Hemorrhage, Case 27-1, 93, 329:117-122,1993., 1993

Cerebral Vasculitis:MR Imaging and Angiographic Correlation
Radiology 182:65-72, Greenan,T.J.,et al, 1992

Central Nervous System Infarction Related to Cocaine Abuse
Stroke 22:1320-1325, Daras,M.,et al, 1991

Acute Febrile Cerebrovasculitis, A Non-Spotted Fever Group Rickettsial Disease
Arch Int Med 149:1682-1684, Linnemann,C.C.,et al, 1989

Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia in Tuberculous Meningitis
Tubercle 70:61-64, Teoh,R.,et al, 1989

Clinicopath Conf
Wegner's Granulomatosis Involving Paranasal Sinuses & Leptomeninges, Case Record 12-1988, NEJM 318:7, 0-7688., 1988

Granulomatous Angiitis of the Central Nervous System:Protean Manifestations and Response to Treatment
JNNP 51:1126-1133, Koo,E.H.&Massey,E.W., 1988

Cerebral Vasculitis Associated with Cocaine Abuse
JAMA 258:2104-2106, Kaye,B.R.&Fainstat,M., 1987

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