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Myelopathy Caused by Nitrous Oxide Toxicity
AJNR 19:894-896, 9941998., Pema,P.J.,et al, 1998

A 27-year-old man with unsteady gait
Neurol 89:e120-e123, Fernandez, D.,et al, 2017

Lancet 360:384, Ng, J. &Frith, R., 2002

Myeloneuropathy & Macrocytosis Associated with Nitrous Oxide Abuse
Arch Neurol 40:416-418, Bianco,G.,et al, 1983

Seizure Induced by Insufflation of Bupropion
NEJM 347:951, Welsh,C.J. &Doyon,S., 2002

Leukoencephalopathy and Raised Brain Lactate from Heroin Vapor Inhalation ("Chasing the Dragon")
Neurol 53:589-1048, Kriegstein,A.R., et al, 1999

Toluene Abuse Causing Reduced MR Signal Intensity in the Brain
AJR 161:1259-1261, Caldemeyer,K.S.,et al, 1993

Acquired Pendular Nystagmus in Toluene Addiction
Neurol 41:282-285, Maas,E.F.,et al, 1991

Toluene Optic Neuropathy
Ann Neurol 4:390, Keane,J.R., 1978

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