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Clinicopathologic Conference, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Meningitis
NEJM 384:166-176, Case 1-2021, 2021

Leptomeningitis with Communicating Hydrocephalus in an Immunocompromised Patient with Disseminated Sporotrichosis
Neurol 103:e209586, Taborda,M.H.,et al, 2024

Neurologic Complications of Babesiosis, United States, 2011-2021
Emerg Inf Dis 29:1127-1135, Locke,S.,et al, 2023

Clinicopathologic Conference, Seizure from Neurocysticercosis
NEJM 385:1894-1902, Case 34-2021, 2021

Trends of Tuberculosis Case Detection, Mortality and Co-Infection with HIV in Ghana: A Retrospective Cohort Study
PLOSONE 15:e0234878, Osel, E.,et al, 2020

Leg Weakness and Stiffness at the Emergency Room
Neurol 92:e622-e625, af Edholm, K.,et al, 2019

Central Nervous System Brucellosis Granuloma and White Matter Disease in Immunocompromised Patient
Emerg Infect Dis 23:978-981, Alqwaifly,M.,et al, 2017

Cysticercal Encephalitis: An Unusual Differential in the List of Encephalitis
IJCMR 3:2264-2266, Ajeet, S.,et al, 2016

Factors Associated with Mortality in Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis Patients at a Teaching Hospital in Ghana
Ghana Med J 49:233-238, Nassikas, N.,et al, 2015

Viral Infections of the Nervous System, Chronic Meningitis, and Prior Diseases, Tropical Spastic Paraparesis, HTLV-1 Infection
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 33, pg 762, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

National HIV Prevalence Estimates for Sub-Saharan Africa: Controlling Selection Bias with Heckman-Type Selection Models
Sex Trans Infect 88:i17-i23, Hogan, D.R.,et al, 2012

Neurocysticercosis in Houston, Texas: An Update
Medicine 90:81-86, Serpa,J.A.,et al, 2011

eMedicine Feb 26, Mansur,M.M.,et al, 2010

Clinicopath Conf., Eastern Equine Encephalitis
NEJM 359:294-303, Case 22-2008, 2008

Neurocysticercosis Uncovered by Single-Dose Albendazole
NEJM 356:1277-1278, Garcia,H.H.,et al, 2007

An Unexpected Cause of Fever and Seizures
Lancet 370:908, Kochar,D.K.,et al, 2007

Taenia solium Neurocysticercosis
NEJM 357:1666-1667, Mamkin,I,et al, 2007

Taenia solium Cysticercosis
Lancet 362:547-556, Garcia,H.H.,et al, 2003

Neurocysticercosis in Houston, Texas:A Report of 112 Cases
Medicine 73:37-52, Shandera,W.X.,et al, 1994

Cysticercosis-Review of 230 Patients
Bull Clin Neurosci 50:76-101, McCormick.G.F., 1985

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