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The Triad of Neurologic Manifestations of Lyme Disease:Meningitis, Cranial Neuritis, & Radiculoneuritis
Neurol 35:47-53, Pachner,A.R.,et al, 1985

Alterations in Smell or Taste in Mildly Symptomatic Outpatients with SARS - CoV-2 Infection
JAMA 323:2089-2090, Spinato, G.,et al, 2020

Lyme Myelopathy:Case Report and Literature Review of a Rare But Treatable Disorder
Mult Scler Relat Disord 29:1-6, Kaiser,E.A.,et, 2019

Evaluation of Metronidazole Toxicity: A Prospective Study
Int J Clin Pharmacol Res 19:83-88, Kapoor,K.,et al, 1999

Taste Loss as an Initial Symptom of Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Neurol 47:1604-1605, Combarros,O.,et al, 1996

Bilateral Anterior Lingual Hypogeusia Hypesthesia
Neurol 43:2146, Schwankhaus,J.D., 1993

Jugular Foramen Neuromas:A Review of 14 Cases
Surg Neurol 34:205-211, Tan,L.C.,et al, 1990

Evoked Taste Thresholds in a Normal Population & the Application of Electrogustometry to Trigeminal Nerve Disease
JNNP 50:12-21, Grant,R.,et al, 1987

Taste & Smell in Disease (First of Two Parts)
NEJM 308:1275-1279, Schiffman,S.S., 1983

Optic Neuropathy & Ophthalmoplegia in Herpes Zoster Oticus
Neurol 29:726-729, Carroll,W.M.,et al, 1979

Isolated Trigeminal Neuropathy-A Report of 16 Cases
Brain 82:391, Spillane,J.,et al, 1959

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