Clinicopathologic Conference, LGI1 autoimmune encephalitis
NEJM 382:1943-1950, Case 15-2020, 2020
Clinicopathologic Conference, Borrelia Miyamotoi Infection
NEJM 383:1578-1586, Case 32-2020, 2020
Dialysis Disequilibrium Syndrome
The Kidney 2020, Yeun, J.Y.,et al, 2020
Severe Acute Hyponatremia as an Initial Presentation of Acute Intermittent Porphyria Triggered by a Subdermal Etonogestrel Implant
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Risk Factors of Hyperammonemia in Patients with Epilepsy Under Valproic Acid Therapy
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A 62-Yeal-Old Man with Fluctuating Neurological Deficits and Skin Lesions
JAMA Neurol 70:120-124, Konikkara, J.,et al, 2013
Clinical Reasoning: Encephalopathy in a 10-year-old boy
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Sjogren Syndrome: Neurologic Complications,Jan, Roman,G.C., 2010
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
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Clinicopath Conf, Neuro-Behcets Disease
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Antivonvulsants for Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease?
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A Chronic Illness of Fatigue, Neurologic and Immunologic Disorders, & Active Human Herpesvirus Type 6 Infection
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Focal Neurologic symptoms in hypercalcemia
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Clinicopatholigic Conference, Rheumatoid Arthritis with Vasculitis Causing A Confluent Mononeuritis Multiplex
NEJM 390:1312-1322, Case 11-2024, 2024
Vitamin B12 Deficiency:NICE Guideline Summary
BMJ 385:q1019, q1262, Sands,T.,et al, 2024
Clinicopathologic Conference, Myasthenia Gravis
NEJM 391:1441-1450, Case 32-2024, 2024
Clinicopathologic Conference, Hypocalcemic Myopathy Due to Hypoparathyroidism
NEJM 388:1513-1520, Case 12-2023, 2023
Neurologic Manifestations of Long COVID Differ Based on Acute COVID-19 Severity
Ann Neurol 94:146-159, Giraldo,G.S.P.,et al, 2023
Postural Tachycardia Syndrome,Aug, Cheshire,W.P., 2023
A 62-Year-Old Woman with Transient Vision Loss
Neurol 101:e1097-e1103, Silva,L.M.T.,et al, 2023
Clinicopathologic Conference, Neurosyphilis
NEJM 386:583-590, Case 4-2022, 2022
What All Physicians Need to Know About the Polio Resurgence in New York State
JAMA online e1-e3, Larkin, H., 2022
Babesiosis: Clinical Manifgestations and Diagnosis, Oct, Krause,P.J. & Vannier,E.G., 2022
Severe Vitamin B12 Deficiency Presenting as Pancytpenia, Hemolytic Anemia, and Parasthesia:Could Your B12 Be Any Lower?
Cureus doi:10.7759/cureus 29225, Pelling,M.M., et al, 2022
Clinicopathologic Conference, Systemic Primary Amyloidosis
NEJM 384:363-372, Case 3-2021, 2021
Clinicopathologic Conference, Disseminated Mycobacterium Bovis Infection
NEJM 384:651-662, Case 5-2021, 2021
A Teenager with Shortness of Breath and Difficulty Walking
Neurol 96:e2346-e2350, Liu, S.C.,et al, 2021
A Brewing Back Pain
NEJM 385:66-72, Pischel, L.,et al, 2021
Clinicopathologic Conference, Acute human immunodeficiency virus type 1
NEJM 385:641-648, Case 24-2021, 2021
Rapidly Progressive Gait Disorder and Cranial Nerves Involvement in a 9-year-old boy
Neurol 94:e330-e334, Lipp, A.,et al, 2020
A 70-year-old Man with Rapid Stepwise Paraparesis and Sensory Loss
Neurol 94:e651-e655, Krause, M.A.,et al, 2020
A 42-year-old Woman with Progressive Cognitive Difficulties and Gait Imbalance
Neurol 94:e1219-e1226, Slama, M.C.C.,et al, 2020
Pernicious Anaemia
BMJ 369:m1319, Mohamed, M.,et al, 2020
Bilateral Ptosis, Dysphagia, and Progresive Weakness in a Patient of French-Canadian Background
Neurol 95:933-938, Paul,P.,et al, 2020
Clinicopathologic Conference, Powassan Virus Encephalitis
NEJM 380:380-387, Case 3-2019, 2019
A Pregnant Woman with Chin Numbness
Neurol 92:e996-e999, Arnold, A.J.,et al, 2019
Clinicopathologic Conference, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
NEJM 380:1566-1574, Case 12-2019, 2019
Clinicopathologic Conference, Statin-Associated Autoimmune Myopathy
NEJM 381:275-283, Case 22-2019, 2019
Progressive Proximal Weakness in a 56-year-old Man with Bone Pain
Neurol 93:939-944, Torabi,T.,et al, 2019
A Patient with Psychiatric Illness and Multiple Hemorrhages
JAMA 322:2437-2438, Van Baalen, E.,et al, 2019
Metabolic Lipid Muscle Disorders: Biomarkers and Treatment
Ther Adv Neurol Disord 12:1-15, Angelini, C.,et al, 2019
Clinicopathologic Conference, Intracranial Hypertension Associated with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Steroid Use
NEJM 378:282-289, Case 2-2018, 2018
Clinicopathologic Conference, Cushings syndrome due to a well-differentiated, low-grade thymic neuroendocrine tumor with corticotropin
NEJM 378:2322-2332, Case 18-2018, 2018
Clinicopathologic Conference, Vitamin C Deficiency (Scurvey), Vitamin B6 & Folate Deficiencies
NEJM 379:282-289, Case 22-2018, 2018
A Curable Myopathy Manifesting as Exercixe Intolerance and Respirtory Failure
Neurol 91:187-190, Silva,A.M.S.,et al, 2018
A Child with Arthrogryposis
Neurol 91:e995-e998, Irumudomom, O. & Ghosh, P.S., 2018