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Diagnosis and Management of Motor Neurone Disease
BMJ 336:658-662, McDermott,C.J. &Shaw,P.J., 2008

Clinicopath Conf., Severe Microangiopathy of Diabetic Vasculopathy with Multiple Cerebral Infarcts
NEJM 357:164-173, Case Study 21-2007, 2007

Clinicopatholigic Conference, Rheumatoid Arthritis with Vasculitis Causing A Confluent Mononeuritis Multiplex
NEJM 390:1312-1322, Case 11-2024, 2024

Clinicopathologic Conference, Hypocalcemic Myopathy Due to Hypoparathyroidism
NEJM 388:1513-1520, Case 12-2023, 2023

Severe Vitamin B12 Deficiency Presenting as Pancytpenia, Hemolytic Anemia, and Parasthesia:Could Your B12 Be Any Lower?
Cureus doi:10.7759/cureus 29225, Pelling,M.M., et al, 2022

A Pregnant Woman with Chin Numbness
Neurol 92:e996-e999, Arnold, A.J.,et al, 2019

Clinicopathologic Conference, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
NEJM 380:1566-1574, Case 12-2019, 2019

Wilson Disease
NIDDK Oct2018, , 2018

50 Year Old Man with Cloudy Vision, Hearing Loss, and Unsteadiness
NEJM 374:2586-2593, Eliott, D.,et al, 2016

Wilson Disease
Yamada Textbook of Gastroenterology Chp 102, Metabolic Diseases of Liver, 6th Ed, Sunderam, S.S., & Sokol, R.J., 2016

Diseases of the Nervous System Caused by Nutritional Deficiency, Pellagra (Niacin, Nicotinic Acid, B3 Deficiency)
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology Chp 41, pg 1170, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Disorders of the Nervous System Caused by Drugs, Toxins, and Chemical Agents, Lithium
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology Chp 43, pg 1212, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Brainstem Abnormalities and Vestibular Nerve Enhancement in Acute Neuroborreliosis
BMC Res Notes 6:551, Farshad-Amacker,N.A.,et al, 2013

Clinicopathologic Conference, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
NEJM 366:1434-1443, Case 11-2011, 2012

Clinicalpathologic Conference, Vitamin B12 Deficiency due to Pernicious Anemia
NEJM 366:1626-1633, Case 13-2012, 2012

Polymyalgia Rheumatica
BMJ 336:765-769, Michet,C.J. &Matteson,E.L., 2008

Clinicopath Conf., Multifocal Motor Neuropathy With Conduction Block
NEJM 357: 2707-2715, Case 40-2007, 2007

Clinicopath Conf, Primary Lymphoma of CNS
NEJM 346:1009-1015, Case 10-2002, 2002

Nervous System Lyme Borreliosis-Revisited
Arch Neurol 49:102-107, Finkel,M.J.&Halperin,J.J., 1992

Lyme Disease Associated with Fibromyalgia
Ann Int Med 117:281-285, Dinerman,H.&Steere,A.C., 1992

The Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome, A Review of 50 Cases
Brain 111, 577-5961988., O'Neill,J.H.,et al, 1988

Fibromyalgia Syndrome, An Emerging but Controversial Condition
JAMA 257:2782-2787, 2802-28031987., Goldenberg,D.L., 1987

Valproic Acid, Review of a New Antiepileptic Drug
Arch Neurol 36:393-398, Bruni,J.,et al, 1979

Parkinson's Disease
In Handbk of Clinical Neurology, Vinken, P. J. & Bruyn, G. W. , Ed, North-Holland Publ Co, Amsterdam, 6:173, 1968. Selby, G., 1968

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