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Cauda Equina Syndrome
BMJ 338:881-884, Lavy,C.,et al, 2009

Experience in the Surgical Management of 82 Symptomatic Herniated Thoracic Discs and Review of the Literature
J Neurosurg 88:623-633, Stillerman,C.B.,et al, 1998

Management of Old People with Neck Trauma, Injury to the Cervical Cord is Common But May Be Overlooked
BMJ 299:633-634, Johnston,R.A., 1989

Surgery for Patients with Central Protruded Lumbar Discs Who Have Failed Conservative Therapy
Br J Neurosurg 10:373-377, Beatty,R.A., 1996

Midcervical Central Cord Syndrome:Numb & Clumsy Hands Due to Midline Cervical Disc Protrusion at C3-4 Intervert Level
JNNP 58:607-613, Nakajima,M.&Hirayama,K., 1995

Cauda Equina Syndrome and Lumbar Disc Herniation
J Bone Joint Surg (AM) 68:386-391, Kostuik,J.P., 1986

Three Cases of Lumbar Disc Rupture & One of Cauda Equina Associated with Spinal Manipulation (Chiropraxis)
Lancet 1:411, Gallinaro,P., 1983

Cauda Equina Compression Presenting as Spontaneous Priapism
JNNP 42:280-282, Ravindran,M., 1979

Intermittent Caludication of Neurospinal Origin
Bulletin de la Societe Internat de Chir. No. 5970., Silver,R.A., 1970

Intermittent Claudication of the Cauda Equina
Lancet 1081, 1961, May., Blau,J., 1961

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