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Pediatric Neurology
Psych Annals 2:1, , 1972

Maternal Use of antiepileptic Agents During Pregnancy and Major Congenital Malformations in Children
JAMA 318:1700-1701, Bromley, R.L.,et al, 2017

Antiepileptic Drugs
NEJM 334:168-175, Brodie,M.J.&Dichter,M.A., 1996

Spina Bifida
NEJM 387:444-450, Iskandar, B.J. & Finnell, R.H., 2022

Antiplatelet and Anticoagulant Risk for Select Spine Interventions:A Retrospective Cohort
Pain Med 21:910-917, Ehsanian,R.,et al, 2020

Valproic Acid Monotherapy in Pregnancy and Major Congenital Malformations
NEJM 362:2185-2193, Jentink,J., et al, 2010

Intrauterine Exposure to Carbamazepine and Specific Congenital Malformations: Systematic Review and Case-Control Study
BMJ 341:c6581, 1229, Jentik,J.,et al, 2010

Reduction in Neural-Tube Defects After Folic Acid Fortification in Canada
NEJM 357:135-142, De Wals,P.,et al, 2007

Major Congential Malformations After First-Trimester Exposure to ACE Inhibitors
NEJM 354:2443-2451,2498, Cooper,W.O.,et al, 2006

Impact of Folic Acid Fortification of the US Food Supply on the Occurrence of Neural Tube Defects
JAMA 285:2981-2986,3022, Honein,M.A.,et al, 2001

Neural-Tube Defects
NEJM 341:1509-1519,1485, Botto,L.D.,et al, 1999

Antiepileptic Drug Regimens and Major Congenital Abnormalities in the Offspring
Ann Neurol 46:739-746, Samren,E.B.,et al, 1999

Complications with Shunts in Adults with Spina Bifida
BMJ 311:286-287, Tomlinson,P.&Sugarman,I.D., 1995

Skin Lesions of the Spinal Axis and Spinal Dysraphism:Fifteen Cases & Review of the Literature
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 148:740-748, McAtee-Smith,J.,et al, 1994

Periconceptional Folic Acid Exposure and Risk of Occurrent Neural Tube Defects
JAMA 269:1257-1261, 12921993., Werler,M.M.,et al, 1993

Spina Bifida in Infants of Women Treated with Carbamazepine During Pregnancy
NEJM 324:674-677, 690-6911991., Rosa,F.W., 1991

Spina Bifida in Infants of Women Taking Carbamazepine
NEJM 325:664-665, Hughes,R.L., 1991

Epilepsy in Women of Childbearing Age, If Anticonvulsants Cannot be Avoided Use Carbamazepine
BMJ 298:581, Saunders,M., 1989

Renal Replacement Treatment in Patients with Spina Bifida or Spinal Cord Injury
BMJ 299:1506, Muralikrishna,G.S.,et al, 1989

Tethered Spinal Cord
Editorial, Lancet 2:549-5501986., , 1986

Duane Syndrome & Congential Upper-Limb Anomalies:A Familial Occurrence
Arch Neurol 34:174, Okihiro,M.M.,et al, 1977

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