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Diagnosis of Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody-Associated Disease:International MOGAD Panel Proposed Criteria
Lancet Neurol doi.org110.1016/51474-4422(22)00431-8, Banwell,B.,et al, 2023

Acute Viral Encephalitis
NEJM 379:357-366, Tyler,K.L., 2018

Autoimmune Encephalitides: A Broadening Field of Treatable Conditions
Neurologist 22:1-13, Kalman, B., 2017

Autoimmune Encephalitis: Pathophysiology and Imaging Review of an Overlooked Diagnosis
AJNR 38:1070-1078, Kelley, B.P.,et al, 2017

Adult-Onset Subacute Sclerosing Panecephalitis:Case Reports and Review of the Literature
Mov Dis 12:342-353, Singer,C.,et al, 1997

Toxoplasma Encephalitis in Patients with the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Medicine 71:224-239, Renold,C.,et al, 1992

Toxoplasmosis of the Central Nervous System in the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
NEJM 327:1643-1648, Porter,S.B.&Sande,M.A., 1992

Progressive Rubella Panencephalitis
In Handbk of Clin Neurol, Vinken & Bruyn, Ed, N Holland Publ Co, 56:405-416, Wolinsky,J.S., 1990

MR Imaging Patterns and Prognosis in Powassan Virus Encephalitis
Neurologist doi.10.1097/NRI.0000000000000533, Finelli,P.F., 2023

Neurosyphilis Presenting as Syndrome of Limbic Encephalitis Mimicking Herpes Simplex Virus Neuro-Infection Diagnosed Using CXCL13 Point-of-Care Assay-Case Report
Brain Sci 13:503, Maresova,E.,et al, 2023

Cerebral Gnathostomiasis: An Unusual Course of Recurrent Hemorrhagic Stroke
Ann Neurol 92:107-109, Rattanawong, W.,et al, 2022

Clinicopathologic Conference, Powassan Virus Encephalitis
NEJM 380:380-387, Case 3-2019, 2019

Antibody-Mediated Encephalitis
NEJM 378:840-851, Dalmau, J.,et al, 2018

Brain Imaging in Cases with Positive Serology for Dengue with Neurologic Symtoms: A Clinicoradiologic Correlation
AJNR 39:699-703, Vanjare, H.A.,et al, 2018

Autoimmune Encephalitis: Pathophysiology and Imaging Review of an Overlooked Diagnosis
AJNR 38:1070-1078, Kelley, B.P.,et al, 2017

Cerebral Toxoplasmosis in an HIV-Negative Patient
Arch Clin Infect Dis 11:e30759, Arab-Mazar, Z.,et al, 2016

Clinicopathologic Conference, CAT Scratch Disease (Encephalopathy Associated with Bartonella Henselae)
NEJM 372:2050-2058, Case 16-2015, 2015

Extraintestinal Manifestations of Coeliac Disease
Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 12:561-571, Leffler, D.A.,et al, 2015

Clinicopathologic Conference, Parainfectious Encephalomyelitis Associated with Systemic Mycoplasma Infection
NEJM 370:2427-2438, Case 19-2012, 2014

Infections of the Nervous System, (Bacterial, Fungal, Spirochetal, Parasitic) and Sarcoidosis, Neurosyphilis
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 32, pg 723, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Paediatric Autoimmune Encephalopathies: Clinical Features, Laboratory Investigations and Outcomes in Patients with or without Antibodies to known Central Nervous System Autoantigens
JNNP 84:748-755, Hacohen, Y.,et al, 2013

Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Infection: Neurologic Complications, Oct, Greenlee, J.E., 2013

Central Nervous System Involvement in Dengue
Neurol 78:736-742, Araujo,F.M.C.,et al, 2012

Current Concept of Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) and NMO Spectrum Disorders
JNNP doi:10.1136/JNNP-2012-302310, Jacob, A.,et al, 2012

Neurocysticercosis in Houston, Texas: An Update
Medicine 90:81-86, Serpa,J.A.,et al, 2011

Slurred Speech and Spirochaetes
Lancet 373:978, Thukral,A.,et al, 2009

CT and MR Characteristics of Cerebral Sparganosis
AJNR 28:1700-1705, Song,T.,et al, 2007

Pediatric Encephalitis: What Is the Role of Mycoplasma Pneumoniae
Pediatrics 120:305-313, Christie,L.J., et al, 2007

Varicella Zoster Virus Cerebellitis in a 66-Year-Old Patient Without Herpes Zoster
Lancet 367:182, Ratzka,P.,et al, 2006

West Nile Virus Neuroinvasive Disease
Ann Neurol 60:286-300, Davis,L.E.,et al, 2006

Autoantibodies in Postinfectious Acute Cerebellar Ataxia
Neurol 65:1114-1116, Uchibori,A.,et al, 2005

Potassium Channel Antibody-Associated Encephalopathy: A Potentially Immunotherapy-Responsive Form of Limbic Encepahlitis
Brain 127:701-712, Vincent,A.,et al, 2004

Taenia solium Cysticercosis
Lancet 362:547-556, Garcia,H.H.,et al, 2003

Gluten Sensitivity as a Neurological Illness
JNNP 72:560-563, Hadjivassiliou,M.,et al, 2002

Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Encephalitis in Childhood
J Microbiol Immunol Infect 35:173-178, Lin,W.-C., et al, 2002

Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis
Postgrad Med J 78:63-70, Garg, R.K.,et al, 2002

St Louis Encephalitis,A Review of 11 Cases in a 1995 Dallas, Tex, Epidemic
Arch Neurol 57:114-118, Wasay,M.,et al, 2000

Clinicopath Conf, Neurocysticercosis, Left Temporal Lobe, End-Stage with Calicification, Epilepsy
NEJM 343:420-427, Case 24-2000, 2000

Acute Cerebellitis Caused by Coxiella Burnetii
Ann Neurol 45:124-127, Sawaishi,Y.,et al, 1999

Cat-Scratch Disease Encephalopathy:A Cause of Status Epilepticus in School-Aged Children
J Pediatrics 134:635-638, Armengol,C.E.&Hendley,J.O., 1999

Clinicopath Conf
Cat Scratch Encephalitis Due to B. Quintana, Case 1-1998, NEJM 338:112-11998., , 1998

A 35-Year-Old Bricklayer with Hemimyoclonic Jerks
Lancet 351:1926, Grunewald,T.,et al, 1998

Clinical,Radiological,Neurophysiological,and Neuropathological Characteristics of Gluten Ataxia
Lancet 352:1582-1585, Hadjivassiliou,M.,et al, 1998

Pertussis Encephalopathy with High Cerebrospinal Fluid Antibody Titers to Pertussis Toxin and Filamentous Hemagglutinin
Pediatrics 102:986-990, Grant,C.C.,et al, 1998

Herpes Simplex Encephalitis (HSE) and the Immunocompromised: A Clinical and Autopsy Study of HSE in the Settings of Cancer and Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Type 1 Infection
Hum Pathol 29:215-222, Schiff,D. &Rosenblum,M.K., 1998

Cat-Scratch Encephalopathy
Neurol 49:876-878, Wheeler,S.W.,et al, 1997

Clinicopath Conf
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever with Meningoencephalomyelitis, Vasculitis and Focal Myocarditis, Case 3, -17,NEJM 337:1149-1156,1997., 1997

Autoantibodies to Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase in Three Patients With Cerebellar Ataxia, Late-Onset Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus, and Polyendocrine Autoimmunity
Neurol 49:1026-1030, Saiz,A.,et al, 1997

Neurocysticercosis:Report of Unusual Pediatric Cases
Pediatrics 98:974-977, Stamos,J.K.,et al, 1996

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