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Neurologic Complications of Babesiosis, United States, 2011-2021
Emerg Inf Dis 29:1127-1135, Locke,S.,et al, 2023

Clinicopathologic Conference, MELAS (mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke like episodes)
NEJM 376:1668-1678, CASE 13-2017, 2017

CNS Posttransplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder
Neurol 89:e32-e37, Kesari, N.K.,et al, 2017

Neurological Management of Von Hippel-Lindau Disease
Neurologist 21:73-78, Hodgson, T.S.,et al, 2016

Reversible Corpus Callosum Lesion in Legionnaires Disease
JNNP 75:651-654, Morgan, J.C.,et al, 2004

Infiltration of the Leptomeninges by Systemic Cancer:a Clinical & Pathologic Study
Arch Neurol 30:122, Olson,M.E.,et al, 1974

The Uveomeningoencephalitic Syndrome
Neurol 16, 6031966., Riehl,J.L.,et al, 1966

Central Nervous System Manifestations of Periarteritis Nodosa
Neurol 15:114, Ford,R.G.,et al, 1965

Supratentorial Lymphocytic Inflammation with Parenchymal Perivascular Enhancement Responsive to Steroids:A Potentially Overlooked Diagnosis
Ann Neurol 95:407-409, Tsibonakis,A.,et al, 2024

A 24-Year-Old Man with Gait Impairment, Hearing Loss, and Recurrent Fever
Neurol 102:e209358, Barbosa,A.R.,et al, 2024

Fragile X-Associated Tremor or Ataxia Syndrome in a Patient with Difficulty Walking, Falls, a Tremor, and Erectile Dysfunction
Lancet 400:1144, Sabino de Oliveira, D.,et al, 2022

Immunocompetent Patient with Multiple Cranial Nerve Palsies, Ataxia, and Cognitive Decline
Neurol 94:e225-e229, Nigam, M.,et al, 2020

Clinicopathologic Conference, HIV Type 2 Infection & Cerebral Toxoplasmosis
NEJM 383:859-866, Case 27-2020, 2020

Review of the Neurological Implications of von Hippel-Lindau Disease
JAMA Neurol 75:620-627, Dornbos, D.,et al, 2018

Clnicopathologic Conference Anti-N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) Receptor Encephalitis
NEJM 379:870-878, CASE 27-2018, 2018

Neuro-Sweet Disease Presenting as Ischemic Stroke and Aseptic Meningitis
Neurol 91:e2197-e2199, Das, A.S.,et al, 2018

A 54-year-old woman with Dementia, Myoclonus, and Ataxia
Neurol 89:e7-e12, Ali, F.,et al, 2017

A 46-year-old man with Persistent Hiccups, Cognitive Dysfunction, and Imbalance
Neurol 89:e193-e196, Lamb, C.J.,et al, 2017

A Case of Ataxia, Seizure, and Choreoathetosis in a 34-year-old Woman
Neurol 89:e220-e223, Xiao, F. & Wang, X.F., 2017

Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 2: Clinicogenetic Aspects, Mechanistic Insights, and Management Approaches
Front Neurol doi:10.3389/fneur.2017.00472, Velazquez-Perez, L.C.,et al, 2017

A Case of Early-Onset Rapidly Progressive Dementia
JAMA Neurol 71:1445-1449, Cachia, D.,et al, 2014

Viral Infections of the Nervous System, Chronic Meningitis, and Prior Diseases, Progressive Rubella Panencephalitis
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 33, pg 766, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Infections of the Nervous System, (Bacterial, Fungal, Spirochetal, Parasitic) and Sarcoidosis, Whipple Disease
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 32, pg 710, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Acquired Neurosyphilis Presenting as Movement Disorders
Mov Disord 27:690-695, Shah, B.B. & Lang, A.E., 2012

Opsoclonus-Myoclonus-Ataxia Syndrome with Autoantibodies to Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase
Clin Neurol Neurosurg 110:619-621, Markakis,I.,et al, 2008

"Salt and Pepper" in the Eye and Face: A Prelude to Brainstem Ischemia
Am J Ophthalmol 144:322-325, Conforto, A.B.,et al, 2007

Varicella Zoster Virus Cerebellitis in a 66-Year-Old Patient Without Herpes Zoster
Lancet 367:182, Ratzka,P.,et al, 2006

Clinicopath Conf., Degoss Disease
NEJM 355:2575-2584, Case 38-2006, 2006

Headache and CNS White Matter Abnormalities Associated with Gluten Sensitivity
Neurol 56:385-388, Hadjivassiliou,M.,et al, 2001

Retinocochleocerebral Vasculopathy
Medicine 77:12-40, Petty,G.W.,et al, 1998

Susac Syndrome
Medicine 77:3-11, Papo,T.,et al, 1998

Consequences of the Delayed Diagnosis of Ataxia-Telangiectasia
Pediatrics 102:98-100, Cabana,M.D.,et al, 1998

Wolfram Syndrome:Hereditary Diabetes Mellitus with Brainstem and Optic Atrophy
Ann Neurol 39:352-360, Scolding,N.J.,et al, 1996

Clinical and Genetic Abnormalities in Patients with Friedreich's Ataxia
NEJM 335:1169-1175, 12221996., Durr,A.,et al, 1996

Clinicopath Conf
Granulomatous Angiitis of CNS, Case 33-1995, NEJM 333:1135-1143995., , 1995

Neurodegeneration and Diabetes:UK Nationwide Study of Wolfram (DIDMOAD) Syndrome
Lancet 1458-1463, Barrett,T.G.,et al, 1995

Anti-Ri Antibodies Associated with Opsoclonus and Progressive Encephalomyelitis with Rigidity
Neurol 44:1521-1522, Casado,J.L.,et al, 1994

Cerebellar Infarction, Clinical and Anatomic Observations in 66 Cases
Stroke 24:76-83, Kase,C.S.,et al, 1993

Antineuronal (anti-Ri) Antibodies in a Pt with Steroid-Responsive Opsoclonus-Myoclonus
Neurol 43:207-211, Dropcho,E.J.,et al, 1993

Arginase Deficiency Presenting as Cerebral Palsy
Pediatrics 91:995-996, Scheuerle,A.E.,et al, 1993

Angelman Syndrome: Clinical Profile
J Child Neurol 7:270-280, Zori,R.T.,et al, 1992

The Spectrum of Cerebellar Infarctions
Neurol 41:973-979, Amarenco,P., 1991

Clinicopath Conf
Sarcoidosis of CNS and Mediastinal Lymph Nodes, Case Record 6-1990, NEJM 322:388-397990., , 1990

Progressive Rubella Panencephalitis
In Handbk of Clin Neurol, Vinken & Bruyn, Ed, N Holland Publ Co, 56:405-416, Wolinsky,J.S., 1990

In Neurologic Clinics, W. B. Saunders Co, Phila, 7:492-493., Kaminski,H.J.&Ruff,R.L., 1989

Clinicopath Conf
Adenocarcinoma of Lung, with Metastasis to Meninges of Brain, Spinal Cord & Optic Nerves, Case Recor, 14-1EJM 318:903-915,1988., 1988

Rapidly Progressive Dementia Caused by Spongiform Encephalopathy
West J Med 148:313-319, Enos,B.E.&Vinters,H.V., 1988

Sudden Death Due to Massive Intraventricular Hemorrhage into an Unsuspected Ependymoma
Surg Neurol 24:63-66, Poon,T.P.&Solis,O.G., 1985

Herpes Zoster-Associated Encephalitis:Clinicopathologic Report of 12 Cases and Review of the Literature
Medicine 62:81-95, Jemsek,J.,et al, 1983

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