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Neurobrucellosis:Clinical and Neuroimaging Correlation
AJNR 25:395-401, Al-Sous,M.W.,et al, 2004

Adverse Outcomes of Bacterial meningitis in School-Age Survivors
Pediatrics 95:646-655, Grimwood,K.,et al, 1995

Neurological Involvement in Wegener's Granulomatosis:An Analysis of 324 Consecutive Pts at the Mayo Clin
Neurol 33:4-9, Nishino,H.,et al, 1993

MR Imaging of the Spinal Cord in 23 Subjects with ALD-AMN Complex
AJR 158:413-416, Snyder,R.D.,et al, 1992

Mucopolysaccaridosis IV (Morquio Syndrome) , in Heritable Disorders of Connective Tissue
(Ed) 4th Ed, The C. V. Mosby Co, St. Louis, p. 583, McKusick,V.A., 1972

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