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Assessment:Positron Emission Tomography
Report of Therapeutics & Technology Assessment Subcommittee of the AAN, Neurol 41:163-16791., , 1991

Medial Temporal Lobe Atrophy on MRI in Dementia with Lewy Bodies
Neurol 52:1153-1158, Barber,R.,et al, 1999

Management of Neurological Disorders:Dementia
JNNP 57:1451-1456, Rossor,M.N., 1994

Granulomatous Angiitis of the Brain:A Successfully-treated Case
Neurol 27:588, Rajjoub,R.K.,et al, 1977

Primary Progressive Aphasia--A Language-Based Dementia
NEJM 349:1535-1542, Mesulam,M.-M., 2003

Epilepsy Presenting as AD: Neuroimaging, Electroclinical Features, and Response to Treatment
Neurol 58:298-301, Hogh,P.,et al, 2002

Progressive Aphasia with Rapidly Progressive Dementia in a 49 Year Old Woman
JNNP 66:238-243, Greene,J.D.W.,et al,, 1999

Hashimoto's Encephalitis as a Differential Diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
JNNP 66:172-176, Seipelt,M.,et al, 1999

A Clinical Role for 99mTC-HMPAO SPECT in the Investigation of Dementia
JNNP 64:306-313, Talbot,P.R.,et al, 1998

Midline Cerebral Morphometry Distinguishes Frontotemporal Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease
Neurol 48:978-985, Kaufer,D.I.,et al, 1997

Frontotemporal Dementia and Early Alzheimer Disease:Differentiation with Frontal Lobe H-1 MR Spectroscopy
Radiology 203:829-836, Ernst,T.,et al, 1997

Dementia:The Failing Brain
Lancet 345:1481-1484, Cummings,J.L., 1995

Familial Alzheimer's Disease
Ann Neurol 36:335-336, Bird,T.D., 1994

Pick's Disease Versus Alzheimer's Disease:A Comparison of Clinical Characteristics
Neurol 43:289-292, Mendez,M.F.,et al, 1993

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