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Takayasu's Arteritis & Its Therapy
Ann Int Med 103:121-126, Shelhamer,J.H.,et al, 1985

Bilateral Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis Due to Aggressive Giant Cell Arteritis
Neurol 100:932-933, Cubero,A.D-M., et al, 2023

Cerebrovascular Ischemic Events in Patients with Takayasu Arteritis
Stroke 53:1550-1557, Mirouse, A.,et al, 2022

Intracranial and Extracranial Neurovascular Manifestations of Takayasu Arteritis
AJNR 38:766-772, Bond, K.M.,et al, 2017

Extra- and Intracranial Cerebral Vasculitis in Giant Cell Arteritis
Medicine doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000000265, Lariviere, D.,et al, 2014

Stroke and Multi-Infarct Dementia as Presenting Symptoms of Giant Cell Arteritis: Report of 7 Cases and Review of the Literature
Medicine 87:335-344, Solans-Laque,R.,et al, 2008

Stroke in Patients with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection
JNNP 78:1320-1324,1291, Tipping,B.,et al, 2007

Cerebrovascular manifestations of Takayasu arteritis in Europe
Rheumatol 44:1012-1015, Ringleb, P.A.,et al, 2005

Clinicopath Conf., Takayasu's Arteritis
NEJM 347:2057-2065, Case 39-2002, 2002

Alcohol Consumption and Atherosclerosis:What is the Relation? Prospective Results from the Bruneck Study
Stroke 29:900-907, Kiechl,S.,et al, 1998

Impaired Fetal Growth and Atherosclerosis of Carotid and Peripheral Arteries
Lancet 352:173-178, Martyn,C.N.,et al, 1998

Limb-Shaking Carotid Transient Ischemic Attacks Successfully Treated with Modification of the Antihypertensive Regimen
Arch Neurol 54:904-905, Leira,E.C.,et al, 1997

Thickening of the Carotid Wall:A Marker for Artherosclerosis in the Elderly?
Stroke 27:224-231, O'Leary,D.H.,et al, 1996

Ten Year Cerebrovascular Morbidity and Mortality in 68 Year Old Men with Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis
BMJ 310:294-298, Ogren,M.,et al, 1995

Cerebral Ischemic Attack Caused by Postprandial Hypotension
Stroke 25:511-513, Kamata,T.,et al, 1994

Frequency and Pathogenesis of Hemodynamic Stroke
Stroke 25:2179-2182, Bladin,C.F.&Chambers,B.R., 1994

Clinical Features, Pathogenesis, and Computed Tomographic Characteristics of Internal Watershed Infarction
Stroke 24:1925-1932, Bladin,C.F.&Chambers,B.R., 1993

Antibodies to Oxidised LDL in Atherosclerosis
Editorial, Lancet 339:899-9001992., , 1992

Clinicopath Conf
Left Middle Cerebral Art Territory Infarct, Athero Stenosis of Cavernous Int Carotid Art, Case 26-19, 2, M 326:1762-1769,1992., 1992

Perfusion Insufficiency in Limb-Shaking Transient Ischemic Attacks
Stroke 21:341-347, Tatemichi,T.K.,et al, 1990

Carotid Plaque Morphology and Risk for Stroke
Stroke 21:148-151, Gomez,C.G., 1990

Giant Cell (Temporal) Arteritis:A Treatable Cause of Multi-Infarct Dementia
Neurol 40:753-755, Caselli,R.J., 1990

Orthostatic Hypotension as a Risk Factor for Symptomatic Occlusive Cerebrovascular Disease
Neurol 39:30-34, Dobkin,B.H., 1989

Volume Therapy in Orthostatic Transient Ischemic Attacks
Stroke 20:1267-1270, Pascual-Leone,A.,et al, 1989

Neurologic Disease in Biopsy-Proven Giant Cell (Temporal) Arteritis
Neurol 38:352-359, Caselli,R.J.,et al, 1988

Cerebrovascular Ischemia Associated with Lupus Anticoagulant
Stroke 18:257-263, Levine,S.R.&Welch,K.M.A., 1987

Carotid Artery Vasospasm Complicating Extensive Skull Base Surgery: Cause, Prevention, and Management
Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 97:1-7, Smith, P.G. & Killeen, T.E., 1987

Bilateral Occlusions in the Cervical Portion of the Internal Carotid Arteries in a Child
Stroke 16:896-898, Tagawa,T.,et al, 1985

Primary Orthostatic Cerebral Ischaemia
JNNP 46:883-891, Stark,R.J.,et al, 1984

Orthostatic Transient Ischemic Attacks:A Symptom of Large Vessel Occlusion
Stroke 15:1066-1067, Somerville,E.R., 1984

Transient Ischemic Attacks Associated with Hypotension in Hypertensive Patients with Carotid Artery Stenosis
Stroke 12:353-355, Ruff,R.L.,et al, 1981

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