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Small Fiber Neuropathy in Fabry Disease:A Review of Pathophysiology and Treatment
JIEMS 4:1-5, Politeri,J.M.,et al, 2016

Recurrent Acroparaesthesia During Febrile Infections
Lancet 363:1698, Bodamer,O.A.,et al, 2004

Neurologic Aspects of Cobalamin Deficiency
Medicine 70:229-245, Healton,E.B.,et al, 1991

Diabetic Sensory and Motor Neuropathy
NEJM 374:1455-1464, Vinik, A.I.,et al, 2016

Burning Hands and Feet
Neurol 84:e146-e152, Chan, A.C. & Wilder-Smith, E., 2015

Paroxysmal Burning Pain Caused by Erythromelalgia
Lancet 383:1692, Kondo, T.,et al, 2014

Erythromelalgia? A Clinical Study of People Who Experience Red, Hot, Painful Feet in the Community
Int J Vasc Med ID=864961, Friberg, D.,et al, 2013

Copper Deficiency as a Treatable Cause of Poor Balance
BMJ 340:864-866, Khaleeli,Z., et al, 2010

Small Fiber Neuropathy: A Burning Problem
Cleve Clin J Med 76:297-305, Tavee, J. & Zhou, L., 2009

Clinicopath Conf., Small-Fiber Neuropathy
NEJM 350:2181-2189, Case 16-2004, 2004

Painful Sensory Neuropathy
NEJM 348:1243-1255, Mendell,J.R.&Sahenk,Z., 2003

Painful Sensory Neuropathy, Prospective Evaluation Using Skin Biopsy
Neurol 53:1641-1647, 1614, Periquet,M.I.,et al, 1999

Small-Fiber Sensory Neuropathies:Clinical Course and Neuropathology of Idiopathic Cases
Ann Neurol 44:47-59, Holland,N.R.,et al, 1998

CIDP:Clinical Features & Responses to Trtm in 67 Consecutive Pts with/without a Monoclonal Gammopathy
Neurol 48:321-328, Gorson,K.G.,et al, 1997

2', 3'-Dideoxycytidine (ddC) Toxic Neuropathy:A Study of 52 Patients
Neurol 43:358-362, Berger,A.R.,et al, 1993

Clinicopath. Conference
Amyloid Polyneuropathy, Case Record 26-1986, NEJM 315:45-55986., , 1986

Central Nervous System Toxicity Associated With Metronidazole Therapy
Ann Int Med 93:59-60, Kusumi,R.K.,et al, 1980

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome:Electrophysiological Study
Ann Neurol 5:327-330, Oh,S.J.,et al, 1979

Neurologic Disorders in Renal Failure (1st of Two Parts)
NEJM 294:143, Raskin,N.H.,et al, 1976

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