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Catecholamines & Neurologic Diseases
NEJM 293:274, Moskowitz,M.A.,et al, 1975

Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology of Epilepsy
lancet 336:231-232, Meldrum,B.S., 1990

Pathoanatomic Correl Between Poststroke Pathol Crying & Damage to Brain Areas Involved in Serotonergic Neurotransmission
Stroke 25:1050-1052, Andersen,G.,et al, 1994

Extracellular Hippocampal Glutamate and Spontaneous Seizure in the Conscious Human Brain
Lancet 341:1607-1610, 16271993., During,M.J.&Spencer,D.D., 1993

Multistate Outbreak of Poisonings Associated with Illicit Use of Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate
JAMA 265:447-448, , 1991

The Bioloigcal Basis for the Treatment of Acute Stroke
Neurol 41:1867-1873, Scheinberg,P., 1991

Restorative Neurology, Drugs and Recovery Following Stroke
Stroke 21:1636-1640, Goldstein,L.B.&Davis,J.N., 1990

Clinical, Path, & Neurochem Changes in Dementia:Subgroup with Preserved Mental Status & Neocortical Plaques
Ann Neurol 23:138-144, Katzman,R.,et al, 1988

Major Depression in Primary Dementia, Clinical and Neuropathologic Correlates
Arch Neurol 45:1182-1186, Zubenko,G.S.&Moossy,J., 1988

Huntington's Disease, Pathogenesis & Management
NEJM 315:1267-1276, Martin,J.B.&Gusella,J.F., 1986

The Role of Glutamate in Neurotransmission & in Neurologic Disease
Arch Neurol 43:1058-1063, Greenamyre,J.T., 1986

Neurotransmitters & CNS Disease, Epilepsy
Lancet 2:1319-1322, Spero,L., 1982

Brain Peptides
(part I & II) NEJM 304:876-885, 944-951., Krieger,D.T.&Martin,J.G., 1981

Glycine Encephalopathy
NEJM 298:687, Ch'ien,L.T., 1978

Serotonin & Myoclonic Seizures
NEJM 296:101, Munsat,T.L., 1977

Neurotransmitters & the Normal & Ischemic Cerebral Circulation
NEJM 293:812, Zervas,N.T.,et al, 1975

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