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Filter Applied: carpal tunnel syndrome (Click to remove)

Pediatric Median Mononeuropathies:A Clinical and Electromyographic Study
Muscle & Nerve 17:755-762994., Deymeer,F.&Jones,H.R., 1994

More On Racquetball Risks
NEJM 299:1195, Layfer,L.F.,et al, 1978

The Frequency of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Computer Users at a Medical Facility
Neurol 56:1568-1570, Clarke Stevens,J.,et al, 2001

Yoga-Based Intervention for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
JAMA 280:1601-1603, Garfinkel,M.S.,et al, 1998

Computeritis, Who's Responsible When PCs Make Employees Sick?
Infoworld 11:51-54, Flynn,L., 1989

Repetition Strain Injury
Editorial, Lancet 2:3161987., , 1987

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