Case Records of MGH
NEJM 290:1130, 1974. Tuberculous Meningencephalitis with Vasculitis & Cerebral Infarcts., , 1974
COVID-19: A Global Threat to the Nervous System
Ann Neurol 88:1-11, Koralnik, I.J. & Tyler, K.L., 2020
Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy: Epidemiology, Clinical Manifestations, and Diagnosis, May, Koralnik, I.J., 2018
Rapidly Progressive Quadriplegia and Encephalopathy
JAMA Neurol 73:1363-1366, Wynn, D.,et al, 2016
Clinicopathologic Conference, Rabies Encephalitis
NEJM 368:172-180, Case 1-2013, 2013
Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy in Individuals with Minimal or Occult Immunosuppression
JNNP 81:247-254, Gheuens,S., et al, 2010
Rapidly Progressive Dementia
Ann Neurol 64:97-108, Geschwind,M.D.,et al., 2008
Primary Lymphoma of CNS, Mycophenolate Mofetil and Lupus
Lupus 15:886-888, Finelli,P.F.,et al, 2006
JC Virus Granule Cell Neuronopathy: A Novel Clinical Syndrome Distinct from Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy
Ann Neurol 57:576-580, Koralnik,I.J.,et al, 2005
Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy in a Patient Treated with Natalizumab
NEJM 353:375-381, Langer-Gould,A.,et al, 2005
Paralytic Rabies After a Two Week Holiday in India
BMJ 331:501-503, Solomon,T.,et al, 2005
Asymmetric Flaccid Paralysis: A Neuromuscular Presentation of West Nile Virus Infection
Ann Neurol 53:703-710,691, Li,J.,et al, 2003
Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis
Postgrad Med J 78:63-70, Garg, R.K.,et al, 2002
Clinicopath Conf
Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis, Case 15-1998, NEJM 338:1448-1456998., , 1998
Adult-Onset Subacute Sclerosing Panecephalitis:Case Reports and Review of the Literature
Mov Dis 12:342-353, Singer,C.,et al, 1997
Clinicopath Conf
Varicella-Zoster Leukoencephalitis with Hemorrhage and Large-Vessel Vasculopathy, AIDS, Case 36-1996, NE335:1587-1595,1996., 1996
Human T-Cell Lymphotrophic Virus Type II-Associated Myelopathy:Clinical and Immunologic Profiles
Ann Neurol 40:714-723, Lenky,T.J.,et al, 1996
The Vasculopathy of Varicella-Zoster Virus Encephalitis
Ann Neurol 37:784-790, Amilie-Lefond,C.,et al, 1995
Efficacy of Cytarabine in Progressive Multifocal Leucoencephalopathy in AIDS
Lancet 339:306, Nicoli,F.,et al, 1992
Progressive Rubella Panencephalitis
In Handbk of Clin Neurol, Vinken & Bruyn, Ed, N Holland Publ Co, 56:405-416, Wolinsky,J.S., 1990
Viral Encephalitis
NEJM 323:242-250, Whitley,R.J., 1990
Cytomegalovirus and Rasmussen's Encephalitis
Lancet 336:1282-1284, Power,C.,et al, 1990
Cerebral Venous Thrombosis and Dual Primary Infection with Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Cytomegalovirus
JNNP 52:1010-1016, Meyohas,M-C.,et al, 1989
Involvement of JC Virus-Infected Mononuclear Cells From the Bone Marrow & Spleen in the Pathogen of PML
NEJM 318:301-305, 315-3171988., Houff,S.A.,et al, 1988
Clinicopath Conference
Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy & Malignant Thymoma, with Metastases to Pleura, Case 1-19, 7, NE6:35-42,1987., 1987
Neurologic Manifestations of AIDS
Medicine 66:407-437, McArthur,J.C., 1987
Clinicopath. Conference
Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis, Due to Measles Virus, Case 25-1986, NEJM 314:1689-170086., , 1986
Virus Isolation From & Identification of HTLV-III/LAV-Producing Cells in Brain Tissue From a Pt. with AIDS
JAMA 256:2365-2371, 2390-23911986., Gartner,S.,et al, 1986
Isolation of Aids-Associated Retroviruses from Cerebrospinal Fluid & Brain of Patients with Neurological Symptoms
Lancet 2:586-588, Levy,J.A.,et al, 1985
Isolation of HTLV-III from CSF & Neural Tissues of Patients with Neurologic Syndromes Related to AIDS
NEJM 313:1493-1497, 15381985., Ho,D.D.,et al, 1985
Neurological Complications of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome:Analysis of 50 Patients
Ann Neurol 14:403-418, Snider,W.D.,et al, 1983
Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy In A Male Homosexual With T-Cell Immune Deficiency
NEJM 307:1436-1438, Miller,J.R.,et al, 1982
Multifocal Varicella-Zoster Virus Leukoencephalitis Temporally Remote from Herpes Zoster
Ann Neurol 9:251-266, Horten,B.,et al, 1981
Clin. Path. Conference
Lymphoplasmacytic Intersitial Pneumonitis, Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy. Case Record 1, -10,NEJM 302:795,1980., 1980
Clin. Path. Conference
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, Ataxic Type, with Kuru Plaques, Case Record 45-1980, NEJM 303:1162-11710., , 1980
Reye's Syndrome in the Adult Patient
Am J Med 67:672-678, Atkins,J.N.,et al, 1979
Recurrent Eencephalitis with Elevated Titers for Herpes Simplex
Arch Neurol 34:434, Milstein,J.M.,et al, 1977
Neurologic Disorders in Renal Failure (1st of Two Parts)
NEJM 294:143, Raskin,N.H.,et al, 1976
Herpes Simplex & the Human Nervous System
Milit Med 140:765, Finelli,P.F., 1975
Case Records of MGH-NEJM 290:273
1974 Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis., , 1974
Herpesvirus Hominis Encephalitis
Jr. , et al, Arch Neurol 29:268-27373., Sarubbi,F.A., 1973
Case Records of MGH-NEJM 286:1047
1972 Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy., , 1972