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Clinicopathologic Conference, Infective Endocarditis Due to Haemophilus Parainfluenza
NEJM 391:2148-2157, Case 38-2024, 2024

Clinicopath Conf
Nonbact Thrombotic Endocarditis, Aortic Valve, with Cerebral, Renal & Splenic Emboli & Multiple Infa, cts, CA se 28-1997,NEJM 337:770-777,1997., 1997

Clinicopath Conf
Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis with Multiple Cerebral Emboli and Mycotic Aneurysm, Case 10-1993, NE, M 8:717-725,1993., 1993

Infarction in the Anterior Rostral Cerebellum (the Territory of the Lateral Branch of the Superior Cerebellar Artery)
Neurol 41:253-258, Amarenco,P.,et al, 1991

Clinicopath Conf
Cerebral Abscesses Complicating Embolic Cerebral Infarcts, Case 31-1991, NEJM 325:341-350991., , 1991

Computed Tomographic Changes of Hypertensive Encephalopathy
AJNR 6:395-398, Weingarten,K.L.,et al, 1985

Clinicopathologic Conference, Cryptococcal Meningoencephalitis
NEJM 391:2361-2369, Case 40-2024, 2024

A Teenager with Chronic Meningitis-Does Occams Razor Apply?
Neurol 100:828-835, Havuluri,H.,et al, 2023

Recurrent Perimesencephalic Nonaneurysmal Subarachoid Hemmorrhage Within a Short Period of Time:A Case Report
World J Clin Cases 16:3356-3364, Li,J.,et al, 2021

A 14-Year-Old Girl with Headache, Seizures, and Confusion
Neurol 92:e161-e167, Xiao, L.,et al, 2019

Sudden-Onset Pulsatile Headache in a Previously Healthy Young Man
Neurol 88:e26-e29, Qin, C.,et al, 2017

A Woman in Her 60s with Chronic Meningitis from Aspergillus
JAMA Neurol 74:348-352, Pichler, M.R.,et al, 2017

Thiamine Deficiency Presenting as Intraventricular Hemorrhage
Stroke 47:e95-e97, Al-Bayati, A.R.,et al, 2016

A Benign But Potentially Life-Threatening Headache
Neurol 87:e168-e173, Zhang, D.,et al, 2016

Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Medscape Aug, Becske, T. & Lutsep, H.L., 2016

Significant Period Between Presentation and Diagnosis in Basilar Artery Occlusion
Stroke 46:e79-e81, Organek, N.,et al, 2015

Stroke and NonStroke Brain Attacks in Children
Neurol 82:1434-1440, Mackay, M.T.,et al, 2014

Clinicopathologic Conference, Cerebral Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis
NEJM 371:162-173, Case 21-2014, 2014

Infections of the Nervous System, (Bacterial, Fungal, Spirochetal, Parasitic) and Sarcoidosis, Lyme Disease (Erythema Chronicum Migrans; Borreliosis
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 32, pg 728, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Clinical Reasoning: A 44-year-old Woman with Headache followed by Sudden Neurologic Decline
Neurol 80:e136-e141, Berkowitz, A.L.,et al, 2013

Bilateral Cerebellar Hemorrhage in Vermian Vein Thrombosis
Neurol 81:1364-1365, Lattanzi, S., et al, 2013

Clinicopathologic Conference, Dissection of the left vertebral artery and cerebellar infarction
NEJM 369:1736-1748, Case 34-2013, 2013

Clinical Reasoning: Encephalopathy in a 10-year-old boy
Neurol 79:e12-e18, Rodan, L. & Tein, I., 2012

Multimodal Imaging of Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome: A Series of 6 Cases
AJNR 33:1403-1410, Marder, C.P.,et al, 2012

Fungal Infections Associated with Contaminated Methylprednisolone in Tennessee
NEJM 367:2194-2203, Kainer, M.,et al, 2012

Intraventricular Hemorrhage
UpToDate, Sept, Cucchiara B.L. and Pacelli, J.P., 2011

Cogan Syndrome, Feb, Ramachandran, T.S., 2010

Intracranial Aneurysms in Childhood: 27-Year Single-Institution Experience
AJNR 30:1315-1324, Hetts,S.W.,et al, 2009

Frequent Hemorrhagic Lesions in Cerebral Toxoplasmosis in AIDS Patients
J Neuroimaging 19:169-173, Bhagavati, S. & Choe, J., 2009

Clinicopath Conf., Degoss Disease
NEJM 355:2575-2584, Case 38-2006, 2006

Practical Limitations of Acute Stroke MRI Due to Patient-Related Problems
Neurol 62:1848-1849, Singer,O.C.,et al, 2004

Mitoxantrone Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis
Neurol 63(Suppl 6):S28-S32, Cohen,B.A. &Mikol,D.D., 2004

Early Clinical and Radiological Predictors of Fatal Brain Swelling in Ischemic Stroke
Stroke 30:287-292, Krieger,D.W.,et al, 1999

Acute Vestibular Syndrome
NEJM 339:680-685, Hotson,J.R.&Baloh,R.W., 1998

Headache Characteristics in Subarachnoid Haemorrhage and Benign Thunderclap headache
JNNP 65:791-793, Linn,F.H.H.,et al, 1998

Lancet 352:1841-1846, Baloh,R.W., 1998

Lateral Medullary Infarction
Stroke, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and management, Churchhill Livingstone, NY 3rd Ed, Ch 22, p. 534, Amarenco,P.,et al, 1998

Features of MRI Diffusion Weighted Image in Early Stage of Lateral Medullary Infarction Presenting Wallenberg Syndrome
Rinsho Shinkeigaku 38:157-160, Hirose,Y., 1998

Thalamic Hemorrhage:A Prospective Study of 100 Patients
Stroke 26:964-970, Kumral,E.,et al, 1995

Bithalamic Hyperintensity of T2-Weighted MR:Vascular Causes and Evaluation with MR Angiography
AJNR 15:893-899, Bell,D.A.,et al, 1994

Spectrum of Lateral Medullary Syndrome:Correlation Between Clinical Findings and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in 33 Subjects
Stroke 25:1405-1410, Kim,J.S.,et al, 1994

Cerebellar Infarction, Clinical and Anatomic Observations in 66 Cases
Stroke 24:76-83, Kase,C.S.,et al, 1993

Wallenberg's Lateral Medullary Syndrome
Arch Neurol 50:609-614, Sacco,R.L.,et al, 1993

Clinical Presentation as a Guide to Early Prognosis in Vertebrobasilar Stroke
Stroke 23:165-170, Nadeau,S.,et al, 1992

The Spectrum of Cerebellar Infarctions
Neurol 41:973-979, Amarenco,P., 1991

Warning Leak in Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
BMJ 301:190-191, Ostergaard,J.R., 1990

Clinical Features of Proven Basilar Artery Occlusion
Stroke 21:1135-1142, Ferbert,A.,et al, 1990

Spontaneous Dissections of the Vertebral Arteries
Neurol 38:880-885, Mokri,B.,et al, 1988

MELAS Syndrome:Characteristic Migrainous & Epileptic Features and Maternal Transmission
Neurol 38:751-754, Montagne,P.,et al, 1988

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