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Side Effects of Glucocorticoid Treatment, Experience of the Optic Neuritis Treatment Trial
JAMA 269:2110-2112, Chrousos,G.A.,et al, 1993

Nervous System Lyme Borreliosis-Revisited
Arch Neurol 49:102-107, Finkel,M.J.&Halperin,J.J., 1992

Neurologic Manifestations of Giant Cell Arteritis
Am J Med 89:67-72, Reich,K.A.,et al, 1990

Chronic Neurologic Manifestations of Lyme Disease
NEJM 323:1438-1444, Logigian,E.L.,et al, 1990

Herpes Simplex & the Human Nervous System
Milit Med 140:765, Finelli,P.F., 1975

Case Records of the MassGeneral Hospital, Case 41-1975, Acute Intermittent Porphyria
NEJM 293:817, Woods,B., 1975

Encephalitis with mGluR5 antibodies
Neurol 90:e1964-e1972, Spatola, M.,et al, 2018

Precipitous Deterioration of Motor Function, Cognition, and Behavior
JAMA Neurol 74:591-596, Fernandez-Fournier, M.,et al, 2017

NEJM 377:553-561, Charles, A., 2017

Neuropsychiatric Involvement of Behcets Disease Dec, Soyak, M., 2017

Clinical Reasoning: An Unusual Case of Subacute Encephalopathy
Neurol 84:e33-e37, Parikh, N.,et al, 2015

Deep-Brain Stimulation - Entering the Era of Human Neural-Network Modulation
NEJM 371:1369-1373, Okun, M.S., 2014

MELAS, August, Klopstock, T., 2012

Clinicopath Conf, Intravascular Large-B-Cell Lympoma
NEJM 362:1129-1138, Case 9-2010, 2010

Polymyalgia Rheumatica
BMJ 336:765-769, Michet,C.J. &Matteson,E.L., 2008

The Writing on the Wall
Lancet 372:344, Wilder-Smith,E.P. &Ng,E.S., 2008

Effect on Mood of Subthalamic DBS for Parkinson's Disease
Neurol 59:1427-1429, Berney,A.,et al, 2002

Neurological Complications of Coeliac Disease
Postgrad Med J 78:393-398, Tengah, D.S.N.A.,et al, 2002

Transient Acute Depression Induced by High-Frequency Deep-Brain Stimulation
NEJM 340:1476-1480,1500, Bejjani,B-P.,et al, 1999

Transient Acute Depression Induced by High-Frequency Deep-Brain Stimulation
NEJM 341:1003-1004, Bezerra,M.L.S.,et al, 1999

Multiple Sclerosis, Side Effects of Interferon Beta Therapy and Their Management
Neurol 53:1622-1627, Walther,E.U.&Hohlfeld,R., 1999

Opsoclonus as a Dominant Sign in Primary Sjogrens Syndrome
Neuro-Opthlhal 22:135-138, Lubec,D.,et al, 1999

Clinicopath Conf
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, Case 26, 1997, NEJM 337:549-55697., , 1997

Spinal Cord Infarction:Etiology and Outcome
Neurol 47:321-330, Cheshire,W.P.,et al, 1996

Central Nervous System Lesions and Cervical Disc Herniations in Amateur Divers
Lancet 345:1403-1405, Reul,J.,et al, 1995

Chronic Spinal Cord Injury
NEJM 330:550-556, Ditunno,J.F.&Formal,C.S., 1994

Parkinson's Disease
JNNP 57:672-681, Marsden,C.D., 1994

Acromegaly:Clinical and Biochemical Features in 500 Patients
Medicine 73:233-240, Ezzat,S.,et al, 1994

Hyperosmia and Depression Following Exposure to Toxic Vapors
JAMA 264:2803, Silverman,J.S.&Henkin,R.I., 1993

Clinicopath Conf
Motor Neuron Disease, Progressive-Muscular-Atrophy Type, Case 43-1992, NEJM 327:1298-130592., , 1992

A Simple Procedure for General Screening for Functional Disability in Elderly Patients
Ann Int Med 112:699-706, Lachs,M.S.,et al, 1990

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