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Neurosyphilis with Complex Partial Status Epilepticus and Mesiotemporal MRI Abnormalities Mimicking herpes Simplex Encephalitis
JNNP 75:833, Marano,E.,et al, 2004

Neurosyphilis Presenting as Syndrome of Limbic Encephalitis Mimicking Herpes Simplex Virus Neuro-Infection Diagnosed Using CXCL13 Point-of-Care Assay-Case Report
Brain Sci 13:503, Maresova,E.,et al, 2023

A 17-Year-Old Girl with Progressive Cognitive Impairment
Neurol 101:e1466-e1472, Zhao,B.,et al, 2023

A 64-year-old Woman with Subacute Encephalopathy
Neurol 85:e64-e65, Bhai, S.,et al, 2015

Neurosyphilis presenting as mesial temporal encephalitis
Neurol 79:e206-e209, AbdeleRahman, K.,et al, 2012

Neurosyphilis Versus Herpes Encephalitis in a Patient with Confusion, Memory Loss, and T2-Weighted Mesiotemporal Hyperintensity
Case Rep Infect Dis 2012:154863, Vedes,E.,et al, 2012

Dementia and White-Matter Demyelination in Young Patient With Neurosyphilis
Lancet:368:2258, Brinar,V.V. &Habek,M., 2006

Mesiotemporal T2-Weighted Hyperintensity: Neurosyphilis Mimicking Herpes Encephalitis
AJNR 22:314-316, Bash,S.,et al, 2001

Infections of the Nervous System, (Bacterial, Fungal, Spirochetal, Parasitic) and Sarcoidosis, Neurosyphilis
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 32, pg 723, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Acquired Neurosyphilis Presenting as Movement Disorders
Mov Disord 27:690-695, Shah, B.B. & Lang, A.E., 2012

Cerebral Syphilitic Gumma in an HIV-Negative Patient Presenting as Prolonged Focal Motor Status Epilepticus
NEJM 335:1159-1160, Suzrez,J.I.,et al, 1996

TORCH Infections in the Newborn
Semin Neurol 13:106-115, Donley,D.K., 1993

Syphilitic Cerebral Gumma with HIV Infection
Neurol 42:1282-1287, Berger,J.R.,et al, 1992

Syphilitic Meningomyelitis, A Case Report
Arch Neurol 34:785, Fisher,M. & Poser,C.M., 1977

Seizure Disorder in Neurosyphilis
Neurol 22:400, Hooshmand,H., 1972

JAMA 219:726, Hooshmand,H.,et al, 1972

Hippus, In System of Ophthalmology
(Ed) , Vol 12 Neuro-ophthalmology C. V. Mosby Company 1971, p 637., Duke-Elder,W.S., 1971

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