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Eye Movement Abnormalities in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Arch Neurol 52:1145-1149, Keane,J.R., 1995

Neurologic Manifestations of SLE 1972
Nebraska State Journ Med, Oct 1972, pp 395., Aita,J., 1972

Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia, Typical & Atypical
Arch Ophthal 84:583, Cogan,D.G., 1970

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus with Brainstem Involvement
Neurol 15:878, Julis,J.,et al, 1965

A 56-year-old woman with acute vertigo and diplopia
Neurol 90:748-752, Sharma, R.,et al, 2018

Clinicopath Conf
Arteritis, Unclassified, with Giant-Cell Reaction & Multiple Infarcts of the Brain & Neuropathy, Cas, 5-199532:452-459,1995., 1995

Segmental Myoclonus Clinical and Pharmacologic Study
Arch Neurol 43:1025-1031, Jankovic,J.&Pardo,R., 1986

Clinicopathological Conference
Case 2-1984, Fabry's Disease, NEJM 310:106-114984., , 1984

Central Nervous System Manifestations of Periarteritis Nodosa
Neurol 15:114, Ford,R.G.,et al, 1965

Neurovascular Complications of Iatrogenic Fusarium solani Meningitis
NEJM 390:522-529, Strong, N.,et al, 2024

Bilateral Middle Cerebellar Peduncle Stroke in Giant Cell Arteritis
Neurol 98:e105-e106, Aghajan, Y.,et al, 2022

Acute Lateral Medullary Infarct Due to Giant Cell Arteritis
Stroke 50:e290-e293, Dardick, J.M.,et al, 2019

Early-Onset Stroke and Vasculopathy Associated with Mutations in ADA2
NEJM 370:911-920, Zhou, Q.,et al, 2014

Clinicopath Conf., Giant-Cell Arteritis
NEJM 349:170-180, Case 21-2003, 2003

Giant Cell Arteritis With Unusual Flow-Related Neuroophthalmologic Manifestations
Neurol 49:1463-1465, Galetta,S.L.,et al, 1997

Late Contralateral Hyperhidrosis in Lateral Medullary Infarcts
Stroke 27:991-995, Roussezux,M.,et al, 1996

Twelfth-Nerve Palsy:Analysis of 100 Cases
Arch Neurol 53:561-566, Keane,J.R., 1996

Contralateral Hyperhidrosis after Cerebral Infarction:Clinicoanatomic Correlations in Five Cases
Stroke 26:896-899, Kim,B.S.,et al, 1995

Ipsilateral Hypohidrosis in Brain Stem Infarction
Stroke 24:100-104, Korpelainen,J.T.,et al, 1993

Fatal Basilar Vasculopathy Complicating Bacterial Meningitis
Stroke 23:1175-1178, Perry,J.R.,et al, 1992

Fatal Brainstem Stroke Following Internal Jugular Vein Catheterization
Neurol 41:1092-1095, Sloan,M.A.,et al, 1991

'Locked-in Syndrome'for 27 Years Following a Viral Illness:Clinical and Pathologic Findings
Neurol 41:498-500, Thadani,V.M.,et al, 1991

Clinicopath Conf
Infarcts, Multiple, Old, Cerebellum & Brain Stem, Secondary to Listeria Monocytogenes Rhombencephali, is, Cas89,NEJM 321:739-750,1989., 1989

Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia in Tuberculous Meningitis
Tubercle 70:61-64, Teoh,R.,et al, 1989

Stereotaxic Suboccipital Trancerebellar Biopsy of Pontine Mass Lesions
J Neurosurg 70:195-200, Abernathey,C.D.,et al, 1989

Clinicopath Conf
Leukemia, Mycotic Aneurysm, Asperigillosis, Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Fungal Intracran Aneurysm, Case, 7-198M 319:427-440,1988., 1988

Locked-In Syndrome:A Review of 139 Cases
Stroke 17:758-764, Patterson,J.R.&Grabois,M., 1986

Oculosympathetic Paresis
Arch Neurol 36:13-16, Keane,J.R., 1979

Bilateral Sixth Nerve Palsy
Arch Neurol 33:681, Keane,J.R., 1976

Autopsy Correlations of Computerized Tomography:Experience with 6, 000 CT scans
Neurol 26:1111, Jacobs,L.,et al, 1976

Neurologic Syndromes Associated with Primary Thrombocythemia
J Mount Sinai Hosp NY 36:317, Korenman,G., 1969

Clinical Cases-Dx:Functional Approach to Neuroanatomy pp 477-490 Earl Lawrence House
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Neurological Complications of Wegener's Granulomatosis
Arch Neurol l8:45, 1963, Drachman,D., 1963

Endovascular Therapy for Acute Vertebrobasilar Occlusion (VERITAS): A Systematic Review and Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis
Lancet 405:61-69, Nogueira,R.G.,et al, 2025

Small Strokes Causing Severe Vertigo
Neurol 83:169-173, Tehrani, A.S.S.,et al, 2014

Vertebral Artery Dissection in Patients with Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease
J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 23:441-443, Kuroki, T.,et al, 2014

Topographic Location of Acute Pontine Infarction is Associated with the Development of Progressive Motor Deficits
Stroke 43:708-713, Oh,S.,et al, 2012

Clinicopathologic Conference, Acute Ischemic Stroke due to Basilar Artery Embolism. Patent Foramen Ovale
NEJM 367:1450-1460, Case 31-2012, 2012

Central Respiratory Dysfunction Following Vertebral artery Dissection
Neurol 66:944, Lanczik,O.,et al, 2006

Vertebrobasilar Disease
NEJM 352:2618-2626, Savitz,S.I.&Caplan,L.R., 2005

Rubral Lateropulsion Due to Vertebral Artery Dissection in a Patient with Klippel-Feil Syndrome
Arch Neurol 61:583-585, Karimi,M.,et al, 2004

Clinical and Neuroradiological Features of Intracranial Vertebrobasilar Artery Dissection
Stroke 30:1083-1090, Hosoya,T.,et al, 1999

Patterns of Lateral Medullary Infarction, Vascular Lesion-MR Imaging Correl of 34 Cases
Stroke 29:645-652, Kim,J.S.,et al, 1998

Fibromuscular Dysplasia with Dissection of Basilar Artery Presenting as"Locked-In-Syndrome"
Neurol 48:1605-1608, Arunodaya,G.R.,et al, 1997

Extracranial and Intracranial Vertebrobasilar Dissections:Diagnosis and Prognosis
JNNP 63:46-51, deBray,J.M.,et al, 1997

Medial Medullary Stroke:Report of Seven Patients and Review of the Literature
Neurol 48:882-890, Bassetti,C.,et al, 1997

Basilar Artery Embolism, Clin Synd & Neuroradiologic Patterns in Pts Without Perm Occl of Basilar Artery
Neurol 49:1346-1352, Schwarz,S.,et al, 1997

Medial Medullary Infarction:Analysis of Eleven Patients
Neurol 47:1141-1147, Toyoda,K.,et al, 1996

Delayed Onset of Fatal Basilar Thrombotic Embolus After Whiplash Injury
Stroke 26:2194-2196, Viktrup,L.,et al, 1995

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