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Cardiovasc Causes of Loss of Consciousness in Pts with Presumed Epilepsy:Cause of Incr Sudden Death in Epilepsy?
Am J Med 96:146-154, Linzer,M.,et al, 1994
The Prolonged QT Syndrome Presenting as Epilepsy:A Report of Two Cases and Literature Review
Neurol 44:1408-1410, Pacia,S.V.,et al, 1994
Hereditary Long Q-T Syndrome Presenting as Epilepsy:Electroencephalography Laboratory Diagnosis
Ann Neurol 25:514-516, Gospe,S.M.&Choy,M., 1989
An unusual Cause of Apparent Epilepsy:ECG & EEG Findings in a Case of Jervell Lange-Neilson Syndrome
JNNP 40:1102, Selby,P.J.,et al, 1977