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Paraneoplastic Calmodulin Kinase-Like Vesicle-Associated Protein (CAMKV) Autoimmune Encephalitis
Ann Neurol 96:21-33, Gilligan,M.,et al, 2024

An Adolescent Girl Presenting with Worsening Vertigo, Headache, and Ataxia
Neurol 95:e1760-e1763, Brigham, E.,et al, 2020

Encephalitis with mGluR5 antibodies
Neurol 90:e1964-e1972, Spatola, M.,et al, 2018

Encephalitis and GABAb Receptor Antibodies
Neurol 81:1500-1506, H�ftberger, R.,et al, 2013

Paraneoplastic and Autoimmune Encephalitis
UpToDate, June, Dalmau, J.,et al, 2011

Diagnostic Value of N-methyl-D-aspartate Receptor Antibodies in Women with New-Onset Epilepsy
Arch Neurol 66:458-464, Niehusmann,P.,et al, 2009

Anti-N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor (NHMDAR) Encephalitis in Children and Adolescents
Ann Neurol 66:11-18,1, Florance,N.R.,et al, 2009

Voltage-gated Potassium Channel-associated Limbic Encepahlitis in the West of Scotland:Case Reports and Literature Review
Scott Med J 54:27-31, Reid,J.M.,et al, 2009

Clinicopath Conf., Anti-MNDAR Antibody Mediated Paraneoplastic Limbic Encephalitis Associated With Ovarian Teratoma
NEJM 359:842-853, Case 26-2008, 2008

Anti-NMDA-Receptor Encephalitis: Case Series and Analysis of the Effects of Antibodies
Lancet Neurol 7:1091-1098, Dalmau,J.,et al, 2008

Paraneoplastic Anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate Receptor Encephalitis Associated With Ovarian Teratoma
Ann Neurol 61:25-36,3, Dalmau,J.,et al, 2007

Limbic Encephalitis and Variants: Classification, Diagnosis and Treatment
Neurologist 13:261-271, Tuzun,E. &Dalmau,J., 2007

Neurologic Emergencies in Cancer Patients
Neurol Clin 16:1-37, Schiff,D.,et al, 1998

Opsoclunus, Myoclonus, Ataxia & Encephalopathy in Adults with Cancer:A Distinct Paraneoplastic Syndrome
Medicine 67:100-109, Anderson,N.E.,et al, 1988

Clinicopath Conf
Paraneoplastic Encephalitis (Limbic and Brain-Stem Encephalitis) , Case Record 39-1988, NEJM 319:849, 860,, 1988

Segmental Myoclonus Clinical and Pharmacologic Study
Arch Neurol 43:1025-1031, Jankovic,J.&Pardo,R., 1986

Clin. Path. Conference
Limbic Encephalitis (Paraneoplastic Encephalomyelitis) , Transitional-Cell CA of Urinary Bladder, Ca, e Re 30-1985,NEJM 313:249-257,1985., 1985

Nonmetastatic Superior Sagittal Sinus Thrombosis Complicating Systemic Cancer
Neurol 29:139-146, Sigsbee,B.,et al, 1979

Herpes Simplex & the Human Nervous System
Milit Med 140:765, Finelli,P.F., 1975

Neurological Complications of Systemic Cancer
Med Clin North Am 55:625, Posner,J., 1971

Clinicopathologic Conference, Paraneoplastic Vasculitis of the Central Nervous System
NEJM 388:747-757, Case 6-2023, 2023

A 67-Year-Old Woman with Progressive Diplopia, Vertigo, and Ataxia
Neurol 98:e669-e674, Sakoda, M.,et al, 2022

A 48-Year-Old Woman Presenting with Vertigo, Ptosis, and Red Eyes
Neurol 98:678-683, Kim, K.T.,et al, 2022

Encephalitis Induced by Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors
JAMA Neurol 78:864-873, Velasco, R.,et al, 2021

Thymoma and Autoimmune Encephalitis
Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm 8:e1053, Guasp,M.,et al, 2021

A 16-year-old Girl with Ataxia, Oscillopsia, and Behavioral Changes
Neurol 94:713-717, Silverman, A.,et al, 2020

A Middle-Aged Man with New Onset Seizures and Myoclonic Jerks
Neurol 92:e274-e281, Chen, Z. & Neo, S., 2019

Paraneoplastic Cerebral Vasculitis
Neurol 90:e815-e817, Patil, A.,et al, 2018

A 30-year-old man with headache and sleep disturbance
Neurol 90:e1535-e1540, English, S.W.,et al, 2018

An Older Man with Memory Impairment and Convulsions
BMJ 358:J2824, Zhao, X.,et al, 2017

Paraneoplastic and Autoimmune Encephalitis
UptoDate July, Dalmau, J.,et al, 2017

Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein Immunoglobulin G as Biomarker of Autoimmune Astrocytopathy: Analysis of 102 Patients
Ann Neurol 81:298-309, Flanagan, E.P.,et al, 2017

Autoimmune Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein Astrocytopathy
JAMA Neurol 73:1297-1307, Fang, B.,et al, 2016

Paraneoplastic Cerebellar Degeneration with Anti-Yo Antibodies - A Review
Ann Clin Trans Neurol 3:655-663, Venkatraman,A. & Opal,P., 2016

Encephalitis and AMPA Receptor Antibodies
Neurol 84:2403-2412, Hoftberger, R.,et al, 2015

Clinical Spectrum of Encephalitis Associated with Antibodies Againts the a-Amino-3-Hydroxy-5-Methyl-4-Isoxazoleproprionic Acid Receptor
JAMA Neurol 72:1163-1169, Joubert, B.,et al, 2015

Recognizing Autoimmune-Mediated Encephalitis in the Differential Diagnosis of Limbic Disorders
AJNR 36:2196-2205, da Rocha, A.J.,et al, 2015

Paraneoplastic Neurological Syndromes
Clin Exp Immunol 175:336-348, Leypoldt, F. & Wandinger, K.-P., 2014

Clinicopathologic Conference, Paraneoplastic Stiff Person Syndrome with Limbic Encephalitis with Anti-Amphiphysin Antibodies with Metastatic Carcinoma of Breast
NEJM 367:851-861, Case 27-2012, 2012

Adult-Onset Opsoclonus-Myoclonus Syndrome
Arch Neurol 69:1598-1607, Klaas, J.,et al, 2012

Spectrum of Neurologic Complications in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Clin Lymphoma Myeloma Leuk 12:164-179, Lopes da Silva, R., 2012

GABAB Receptor Antibodies in Limbic Encephalitis and Anti-GAD-Associated Neurologic Disorders
Neurol 76:795-800, Boronat,A.,et al, 2011

Autoimmune encephalitis
BMJ 342:d1918, Irani, S.R.,et all, 2011

Rhombencephalitis A Series of 97 Patients
Medicine 90:256-261, Moragas, M.,et al, 2011

Encephalitis and antibodies to synaptic and neuronal cell surface proteins
Neurol 77:179-189, Lancaster, E.,et al, 2011

Cerebrospinal Fluid Study in Paraneoplastic Syndromes
JNNP 81:42-45, Psimaras,D.,et al, 2010

Reversible Paraneoplpastic Limbic Encephalitis Associated with Antibodies to the AMPA Receptor
Neurol 74:265-267, Bataller,L.,et al, 2010

Paraneoplastic Syndromes Affecting Brain and Cranial Nerves
UpToDate May 2009, Dalmau,J. &Rosenfeld,M., 2009

Multifocal Paraneoplastic Cortical Encephalitis Associated With Myasthenia Gravis and Thymoma
Arch Neurol 66:1407-1409, Hammoud,K.,et al, 2009

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