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Neonatal Seizures
NEJM 289:413, Volpe,J., 1973

Human Parechovirus: An Increasingly Recognized Cause of Sepsis-Like Illness in Young Infants
Clin Microbiol Reviews 31:1-17, Olijve, L.,et al, 2018

Clinicopath Conf, Severe Acute Chorioamnionitis With Umbilical-Cord Phlebitis and Intense Chorionic-Plate Vasculitis
NEJM 358:1713-1723, Case 12-2008, 2008

Lethal Cytomegalovirus Infection in Preterm Infants:Clinical, Radiological, and Neuropathological Findings
Ann Neurol 31:64-68, Perlman,J.M.&Argyle,C., 1992

Neonatal Seizures
NEJM 388:1692-1700, Ropper.A.H., 2023

Neuroimaging Findings in Parechovirus Encephalitis: A Case Series of Pediatric Patients
Pediatr Neurol 130:41-45, Tierradentro-Garcia, L.O.,et al, 2022

Clinical Manifestations and Diagnosis of Listeria Monocytogenes Infection
UptoDate Aug, Gelfand, M.S.,et al, 2022

Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection
BMJ 373:m1212, Pesch, M.H.,et al, 2021

Human Parechovirus Meningoencephalitis: Neuroimaging in the Era of Polymerase Chain Reaction-Based Testing
AJNR 40:1418-1421, Sarma, A.,et al, 2019

Distinctive Pattern of White Matter Injury in Neonates with Rotavirus Infection
Neurol 84:21-27,13, Yeom, J.S.,et al, 2014

Inherited Metabolic Diseases of the Nervous System, Inherited Hypeammonemia
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 37, pg 952, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Glucose Transporter-1 Deficiency Syndrome: The Expanding Clinical and Genetic Spectrum of a Treatable Disorder
Brain 133:655-670, Leen,W.G., et al, 2010

The Expanding Phenotype of GLUT1-Deficiency Syndrome
Brain & Dev 31:545-552, Brockmann,K., 2009

Maternal Infection and Cerebral Palsy in Infants of Normal Birth Weight
JAMA 278:207-211, 2471997., Grether,J.K.&Nelson,K.B., 1997

Clinicopath Conf
Placental Vascular Thrombosis Due to Listeria Infection, Cerebral Embolism and Infarction, Case 15-1, 97EJM 336:1439-1446,1997., 1997

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