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Filter Applied: toxoplasmosis,CNS (Click to remove)

Neurologic Outcomes and Adjunctive Steroids in HIV Patients with Severe Cerebral Toxoplasmosis
Neurol 79:1762-1766, Sonneville, R.,et al, 2012

Neurologic Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome in HIV/AIDS: Outcome and Epidemiology
Neurol 72:835-841, McCombe,J.A.,et al, 2009

Epidemic Toxoplasmosis Associated With Infected Cats
NEJM 300:695-699, Teutsch,S.M.,et al, 1979

Acquired Toxoplasmosis
Arch Neurol 32:335, Townsend,J.,et al, 1975

Case Record, PVAH, (Case A-77-75) Toxoplasmosis
December 10, Finelli,P.F.,et al, 1975

Central Nervous System Infections in Patients with Cancer
Medicine 52:563, Chernik,N.L.,et al, 1973

Infantile Spasms Favorable Response to Steroid Therapy
JAMA 201:116, Snyder,C.H., 1967

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