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Patent Foramen Ovale Management for Secondary Stroke Prevention:State-of-the-Art Appraisal of Current Evidence
Stroke 55:236-247, Sposato,L.A.,et al, 2024

Cryptogenic Stroke
NEJM 374:2065-2074, Saver, J.L., 2016

The Value of Transesophageal Echocardiography for Embolic Strokes of Undetermined Source
Neuol 87:988-995, Katsanos, A.H.,et al, 2016

Diagnosing a Patent Foramen Ovale in Children: Is Transesophageal Echocardiography Necessary?
Stroke 42:98-101, Hubail,Z.,et al, 2011

An unusual cause of stroke and hypoxia
BMJ 342:c7200, Bell, S.L. & Eveson, D.J., 2011

May-Thurner Syndrome in Patients with Cryptogenic Stroke and Patent Foramen Ovale
Stroke 40:1502-1504, Kiernan, T.J.,et al, 2009

Therapeutic Strategies After Examination by Transesophageal Echocardiography in 503 Patients with Ischemic Stroke
Stroke 37:859-864, Harloff,A.,et al, 2006

Sinus Venous-Type Atrial Septal Defect: A Rare Curable Cause of Recurrent Transient Neurological Deficits
Stroke 37:2385-2386, Cakmak,S.,et al, 2006

A 35-year-old Woman with Uterine Fibroids and Multiple Embolic Strokes
Neurol 64:1479-1480, Srivatsa,A.,et al, 2005

Patent Foramen Ovale in Young Adults with Unexplained Stroke
NEJM 353:2361-2372, Kizer,J.R. &Devereux,R.B., 2005

Transthoracic Echocardiography Using Second Harmonic Imaging with Valsalva Manoeuvre for the Detection of Right to Left Shunts
Eur J Echocardiogr 5:176-181, Clarke,N.R.,et al, 2004

Incidence and Clinical Course of Thrombus Formation on Atrial Septal Defect and Patent Foramen Ovale Closure Devices in 1,000 Consecutive Patients
J Am Coll Cardiol 43:302-309, Krumsdorf,U.,et al, 2004

Incidence of Thrombus Formation on the CardioSEAL and the Amplatzer Interatrial Closure Devices
Am J Cardiol 93:426-431, Anzai,H.,et al, 2004

Clinicopath Conf., Brain Abscess Due to Infection with Streptococcus milleri and Haemophilus aphrophilus
NEJM 348:2125-2132, Case 16:2003, 2003

Recurrent Thromboembolic Events After Percutaneous Device Closure of Patent Foramen Ovale
ICVTS 2:125-127, Brgermann,J.,et al, 2003

Ear Oximetry: A Noninvasive Method for Detection of Patent Foramen Ovale
Stroke 32:448-453, Karttunen,V.,et al, 2001

The Association Between the Diameter of a Patent Foramen Ovale and the Risk of Embolic Cerebrovascular Events
Am J Med 109:456-462,506, Schuchlenz,H.W.,et al, 2000

Arteriovenous Bubbles Following Cold Water Sport Dives: Relation to Right-to-left Shunting
Neurol 55:1741-1743, Gerriets,T.,et al, 2000

Detection of Patent Foramen Ovale. Transesophageal Echocardiography and Transcranial Doppler Sonography With Ultrasound Contrast Media are "Supplementary, Not Competing, Diagnostic Methods"
Med Klin 94:367-370, Heckmann,J.G.,et al, 1999

Patent Foramen Ovale Size and Embolic Brain Imaging Findings Among Patients with Ischemic Stroke
Stroke 29:944-948, Steiner,M.M.,et al, 1998

The Need to Quantify Right-to-Left Shunt in Acute Ischemic Stroke, A Case-Control Study
Stroke 29:1322-1328, Serena,J.,et al, 1998

Patent Foramen OVale in Patients with Cerebral Infarction
Arch Neurol 54:819-822, Petty,G.W.,et al, 1997

Transesophageal Echocardiography in Patients with Focal Cerebral Ischemia of Unknown Cause
Stroke 27:691-694, Rauh,G.,et al, 1996

Patent Foramen Ovale and Transcranial Doppler:Comparison of Different Procedures
Stroke 27:2251-2255, Zanette,E.M.,et al, 1996

Characteristics of Patent Foramen Ovale Associated with Cryptogenic Stroke:A Biplane Transesophageal Echocardiographic Study
Stroke 25:582-586, Homma,S.,et al, 1994

Paradoxical Embolism as a Cause of Ischemic Stroke of Uncertain Etiology:A Transcranial Doppler Sonographic Study
Stroke 25:771-775, Itoh,T.,et al, 1994

Patent Foramen Ovale and Brain Infarct:Echocardiographic Predictors, Recurrence, and Prevention
Stroke 25:782-786, Hanna,J.P.,et al, 1994

A Comparison of Transesophageal Echo & Transcranial Doppler with Contrast Medium for Detection of Patent Foramen Ovale
Stroke 25:1265-1267, Jauss,M.,et al, 1994

Transesophageal Echocardiography & Contrast-TCD in the Detection of a Patent Foramen Ovale:Experiences with 111 Pts
Neurol 44:1603-1606, Klotzsch,C.,et al, 1994

Comparison of Diagnostic Techniques for the Detection of a Patent Foramen Ovale in Stroke Patients
Stroke 24:1020-1024, DiTullio,M.,et al, 1993

The Prevalence of Deep Venous Thrombosis in Patients with Suspected Paradoxical Embolism
Ann Int Med 119:461-465, Stollberger,C.,et al, 1993

Brief Report:Fulminating Fat Embolism Syndrome Caused by Paradoxical Embolism Through a Patent Foramen Ovale
NEJM 329:926-929, 9611993., Pell,A.C.H.,et al, 1993

Atrial Septal Aneurysm & Patent Foramen Ovale as Risk for Cryptogenic Stroke in Pts<55 Yrs of Age Using TEE
Stroke 24:1865-1873, Cabanes,L.,et al, 1993

Patent Foramen Ovale as a Risk Factor for Cryptogenic Stroke
Ann Int Med 117:461-465, DiTullio,M.,et al, 1992

Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound Identifies patients with Right-to-Left Cardiac or Pulmonary Shunts
Neurol 41:1902-1904, Chimowitz,M.I.,et al, 1991

Patent Foramen Ovale and Decompression Sickness in Divers
Lancet 1:513-514, Moon,R.E.,et al, 1989

Cerebral Infarction and Ventricular Septal Defect
Stroke 20:957-958, Shuiab,A., 1989

Cardiogenic Brain Embolism
The Second Report of the Cerebral Embolism Task Force, Cerebral Embolism Task Force, Arch Neurol 46:, 2743,1989., 1989

Prevalence of Patent Foramen Ovale in Patients with Stroke
NEJM 318:1148-1152, 11971988., Lechat,P.,et al, 1988

Patent Foramen Ovale in Young Stroke Patients
Lancet 2:11-12, Webster,M.W.I.,et al, 1988

Further Observations on Cerebral or Retinal Ischemia in Patients with Right-Left Intracardiac Shunts
Arch Neurol 44:740-743, Biller,J.,et al, 1987

Paradoxical Cerebral Embolism:Eight Cases
Neurol 36:1356-1360, Biller,J.,et al, 1986

Clinically Silent Atrial Septal Defects with Evidence for Cerebral Embolization
Ann Int Med 105:695-697, Harvey,J.R.,et al, 1986

Echocardiographic Evaluation of Young Adults Nonhemorrhagic Cerebral Infarction
Stroke 17:608-612, Biller,J.,et al, 1986

Cerebral Emboli of Paradoxical Origin
Ann Neurol 13:314-319, Jones,H.R.,et al, 1983

A Functional Murmur & Stroke in a Young Adult
Arch Int Med 143:519-521, Alexander,J.,et al, 1983

Clinical Outcomes after Neurogenic Stress Induced Cardiomyopathy in Aneurysmal Sub-Arachnoid Hemorrhage: A Prospective Cohort Study
Clin Neurol Neurosurg 128:4-9, Kilbourn, K.J.,et al, 2015

Pulmonary AVMs, including hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia: Diagnosis and Treatment
UpTo Date, August, Gossage, J.R., 2010

Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformations in Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia: A Series of 126 Patients
Medicine 86:1-7, Cottin,V.,et al, 2007

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