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Recent Advances in the Diagnosis and Management of Cluster Headache
BMJ 376:e059577, Schindler, E. & Burish, M.J., 2022

Cluster Headache
BMJ 344:e2407, Nesbitt,A.D.,et al, 2012

Intravenous Dihydroergotamine for Inpatient Management of Refractory Primary Headaches
Neurol 77:1827-1832, Nagy, A.J.,et al, 2011

Treatment of Medically Intractable Cluster Headache by Occipital Nerve Stimulation: Long-Term Follow-Up of Eight Patients
Lancet 369:1099-1065, Burns,B.,et al, 2007

Chronic Daily Headache
NEJM 354:158-165, Dodick,D.W., 2006

Why Headache Treatment Fails
Neurol 60:1064-1070, Lipton,R.B.,et al, 2003

The Emergency Management of Headaches
The Neurologist 9:93-98, Green,M.W., 2003

Symptomatic SUNCT in an Eleven-Year-Old Girl
Neurol 60:2012-2013, Blattler,T.,et al, 2003

SUNCT Syndrome: Prolonged Attacks, Refractoriness and Response to Topiramate
Neurol 58:1307, Matharu,M.S.,et al, 2002

Episodic Paroxysmal Hemicrania:Two New Cases and A Literature Review
Neurol 42:964-966, Newman,L.C.,et al, 1992

Symptomatic and Prophylactic Treatment of Migraine and Tension-Type Headache
Neurol 42:16-21, Schulman,E.A.&Silberstein,S.D., 1992

Calcium Channels & Calcium Channel Antagonists
Ann Neurol 21:317-330, Greenberg,D.A., 1987

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