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Filter Applied: cytomegalic inclusion disease (Click to remove)

Neurologic Disorders in Renal Failure (1st of Two Parts)
NEJM 294:143, Raskin,N.H.,et al, 1976

Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection
BMJ 373:m1212, Pesch, M.H.,et al, 2021

Neuroradiographic Findings in Newborn Period & Outcome in Children with Sympt Congen CMV Infection
Pediatrics 99:409-414, Boppana,S.B.,et al, 1997

Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain in Congenital Rubella Virus and Cytomegalovirus Infections
Neuroradiology 33:239-242, Sugita,K.,et al, 1991

Case Records of MGH
NEJM 288:363, 1973 288:912, 1973 Cytomegalic Inclusion Disease., , 1973

Neuro CPC of MGH
Congenital Toxoplasmosis Involving CNS, NEJM 269:369-3741963., , 1963

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