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Role of Brain Imaging in Early Parkinsonism
BMJ 324:d638, Breen,D.P.,et al, 2011

Imaging Manifestations of Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy
Clinical Radiol 65:431-439, Shah,R.,et al, 2010

The role of radiotracer imaging in Parkinson disease
Neurol 64:208-215, Ravina, B., et al, 2005

Metabolic Patterns Associated with the Clinical Response to Galantamine Therapy
Arch Neurol 62:721-728, Mega,M.S.,et al, 2005

Neuroimaging and Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease: A Look to the Future
Radiology 226:315-336, Petrella,J.R.,et al, 2003

Nuclear Medicine in Neurology and Psychiatry
Lancet 354:1107-1111, Costa,D.C.,et al, 1999

Imaging the Brain, Part 1 & 2
NEJM 338:812-820, 889-8961998., Gilman,S., 1998

PET with 18 Fluorodeoxyglucose and Hexamethylpropylene Amine Oxime SPECT in Late Whiplash Syndrome
Neurol 51:345-350, 3361998., Bicik,I.,et al, 1998

Parkinson's Disease
NEJM 339:1044-1053,1130-1143, Lang,A.E.&Lozano,A.M., 1998

Neuroimaging Findings in Patients with AIDS
Clin Inf Dis 22:906-919, Walot,I.,et al, 1996

Imaging the Head:Functional Imaging
JNNP 58:132-144, Sawle,G.V., 1995

Comparison of Ictal SPECT and Interictal PET in the Presurgical Evaluation of Temporal Lobe Epielspy
Ann Neurol 37:738-745, Ho,S.S.,et al, 1995

Neuroimaging in Patients with Olfactory Dysfunction
AJR 162:411-418, Li,C.,et al, 1994

Treatment with D-penicillamine Improves Dopamine D2-Receptor Binding and T2-Signal Intensity in de novo Wilson's Disease
Neurol 44:1079-1082, Schwarz,J.,et al, 1994

Hypertensive Encephalopathy:Findings on CT, MR Imaging, and SPECT Imaging in 14 Cases
AJR 159:379-383, Schwartz,R.B.,et al, 1992

New Anatomical and Functional Imaging Methods
Ann Neurol 32:395-400, Prichard,J.W.&Brass,L.M., 1992

Advances in Neurology
NEJM 326:1608-1616, 1671-16761992., Gilman,S., 1992

Rasmussen's Encephgalitis:Neuroimaging Findings in Four Patints
AJR 158:1329-1332, Tien,R.D.,et al, 1992

Blinded Clinical Evaluation of Positron Emission Tomography for Diagnosis of Probable Alzheimer's Disease
Neurol 42:765-770, Powers,W.J.,et al, 1992

HIV Encephalopathy and Dementia
Psychiatr Clin North Am 15:455-466, Pajeau,A.K.&Roman,G.C., 1992

SPECT and PET in Epilepsy
Editorial, Lancet 1:135-1371989., , 1989

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