Clinicopathologic Conference, Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
NEJM 381:1569-1578, Case 32-2019, 2019
Recurrent Rhombencephalitis Associatedwith Anti-GAD65 Antibody
Neurol 102:e208040, Alferes,A.R.,et al, 2024
A 63-Year-Old Man With Progressive Multicranial Neuropathy and Leptomeningeal Enhancement
Neurol 103:e210100, Taga,A.,et al, 2024
Occult Breast Cancer with Anti-Ri Antibody Positivity and Pontine Hot Cross Bun Sign
JAMA Neurol 80:207-208, Liu,Y.,et al, 2023
A Teenager with Chronic Meningitis-Does Occams Razor Apply?
Neurol 100:828-835, Havuluri,H.,et al, 2023
New-Onset Diplopia and Headache in a Patient with Metastatic Breast Cancer
Neurol 100:927-931, Rizzo,S.A.,et al, 2023
A Young Woman with Rapidly Progressive Weakness and Paresthesia
Neurol 101:676-681, Alwakeel,S.S.,et al, 2023
Progressive Cranial Neuropathy
JAMA Neurol 80:1375-1376, Buchberger,D.S.,et al, 2023
A 67-Year-Old Woman with Progressive Diplopia, Vertigo, and Ataxia
Neurol 98:e669-e674, Sakoda, M.,et al, 2022
A Dizzy Architect
Neurol 98:543-549, Scutelnic, A.,et al, 2022
A 73-Year-Old Woman with Episodic Dysarthria and Horizontal Binocular Diplopia
Neurol 98:767-772, Bower, A.S.,et al, 2022
A 37-Year-Old Man with Involuntary Movements, Gait Disturbance, and Hyperasthesia
Neurol 98:851-853, Meng, D.,et al, 2022
Diplopia and Ptosis in an Older Woman
JAMA Neurol 79:947-948, Stallworth, J.Y.,et al, 2022
Clinicopathologic Conference, Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis
NEJM 387:1022-1032, Case 28-2022, 2022
A 51-Year-Old Woman with Diplopia and Headache
Neurol 99:524-530, Kathuria, G.,et al, 2022
Horizontal Diplopia Due to Extraocular Muscle Metastasis
Neurol 99:669-670, Atik, M.,et al, 2022
Cases of Stroke Presenting with an Isolated Third Nerve Palsy
Stroke 52:e58-e60, Indraswari, F.,et al, 2021
A 48-Year-Old Man Presenting With Diplopia
Neurol 96:399-405, Pehere,N.K.,& Gofer,K., 2021
A 47-Year-Old With Headache, Vertigo, and Double Vision
Neurol 97:e535-e539, Frey, J.,et al, 2021
A 59-Year-Old Woman Presenting with Diplopia, Dysarthria, Right-sided Weakness, and Encephalopathy
Neurol 97:e859-e864, Manzano, G.S.,et al, 2021
A 42-Year-Old Woman with Mysterious Monocytic Meningitis
Neurol 97:449-454, Nothem, M.E., et al, 2021
Chronic Meningitis
NEJM 385:930-936, Aksamit, A.J., 2021
Palatal Myoclonus, Abnormal Eye Movements, and Olivary Hypertrophy in GAD65-Related Disorder
Neurol 94:273-275, Macaron, G.,et al, 2020
Wall-Eyed Bilateral Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia by Ischemic Stroke
Neurologist 25:82-84, Uzawa, A.,et al, 2020
COVID-19 Presenting with Ophthalmoparesis from Cranial Nerve Palsy
Neurol 95:221-223, Dinkin, M.,et al, 2020
Recurrent Dysarthria and Ataxia in a Young Girl
JAMA Neurol 75:125-126, Romba, M.,et al, 2018
Gummatous Neurosyphilis
Neurol 90:e913-e914, Silva, H.S.,et al, 2018
A 56-year-old woman with acute vertigo and diplopia
Neurol 90:748-752, Sharma, R.,et al, 2018
Orbital Apex Syndrome
NEJM 378:18, Sacks. C.A., 2018
A 23-year-old woman with fever and vertical diplopia
Neurol 90:e2006-e2010, Lin, D.J.,et al, 2018
Autoimmune Pancerebellitis Associated with Pembrolizumab Therapy
Neurol 91:91-93, Vitt, J.R.,et al, 2018
Proptosis and Double Vision in a Child
JAMA Neurol 75:1142-1143, Lu, A.J.,et al, 2018
Subacute Progressive Ptosis, Ophthalmoplegia, Gait Instability, and Cognitive Changes
JAMA Neurol 75:1284-1285, Lin, J.,et al, 2018
A 35-year-old Woman with Diplopia, Ataxia, and Altered Mental Status
Neurol 91:e1942-e1946, Bauer, Z.,et al, 2018
Neuro-Sweet Disease Presenting as Ischemic Stroke and Aseptic Meningitis
Neurol 91:e2197-e2199, Das, A.S.,et al, 2018
Clinicopathologic Conference, Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis
NEJM 379:2452-2461, Case 39-2018, 2018
Bilateral Cavernous Carotid Aneurysms: Atypical Presentation of a Rare Cause of Mass Effect
Front Neurol doi:10.3389/fneur.2018.0069, Gagliardi, D.,et al, 2018
Clinicopathologic Conference, Granulomatous Amebic Encephalitis and Sarcoidosis (Inactive)
NEJM 376:368-379, Case 3-2017, 2017
Incomplete Miller-Fisher Syndrome with Advanced Stage Burkitt Lymphoma
Indian Pediat 54:413-415, Ozdemir,Z.C.,et al, 2017
A 34-Year-Old Man with Headache, Diploplia, and Hemiparesis
Neurol 86:e28, Lincoln, M.R.,et al, 2016
Leptomeningeal Enhancement in a Patient with Progressive Cranial Neuropathies and Lumbosacral Radiculopathies
JAMA Neurol 73:345-346, Vargas, T.C.,et al, 2016
Proptosis, Headache, and Fever in a Healthy Young Woman
Neurol 86:e168-e172, Orquera, J.,et al, 2016
Clinicopathologic Conference, IgG4-Related Hypophysitis
NEJM 375:1469-1480, Case 31-2016, 2016
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Medscape Aug, Becske, T. & Lutsep, H.L., 2016
Extensive Vasogenic Edema in Bickerstaff Brainstem Encephalitis
Neurol 86:e38-e39, Nerrant, E.,et al, 2016
Ocular Motor Abnormalities in Bilateral Paramedian Thalamic Stroke
Neurol 84:e155-e158, Gooneratne, I.K.,et al, 2015
Clinicopathologic Conference, Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma
NEJM 372:2337-2345, Case Record 18-2015, 2015
Basilar Occlusion Syndromes: An Update
Neurohosp 5:142-150, Demel, S.L. & Broderick, J.P., 2015
A 73-year-old Man with Diplopia and Ataxia
Neurol 85:e96-e100, Gupta, H.V.,et al, 2015