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Update on the Pathophysiology and Management of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension
JNNP 83:488-494, Biousse,V.,et al, 2012

Iatrogenically Induced Intracranial Hypotension Syndrome
AJR 165:1513-1515, Sell,J.J.,et al, 1995

Utility of MRI in Spinal Arteriovenous Fistula
Neruol 79:25-30,15, Toossi, S.,et al, 2012

Hydrocephalus in Patients with Neurofibromatosis Type 1: MR Imaging Findings and the Outcome of Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy
AJNR 32:643-46, Dincer, A.,et al, 2011

Management of Acute Cerebellar Stroke
Arch Neurol 62:537-544, Jensen,M.B. &St. Louis,E.K., 2005

Corpus Callosum Changes Following Shunting for Hydrocephalus: Case Report and Review of the Literature
Clin Neurology and Neurosurgery 107:351-354, Constantinescu,C.S.,et al, 2005

Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Cerebrospinal Fluid Shunt Valves
NEJM 353:1413-1414, Akbar,M.,et al, 2005

Brain Stem Venous Congestion Due to Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas of the Cavernous Sinus
Acta Neurochir (Wien) 146:1107-1112, Kai,Y.,et al, 2004

Clinicopath Conf., Brain Abscess Due to Infection with Streptococcus milleri and Haemophilus aphrophilus
NEJM 348:2125-2132, Case 16:2003, 2003

Lesions of the Corpus Callosum: MR Imaging and Differential Considerations in Adults and Children
AJR 179:251-257, Bourekas,E.C.,et al, 2002

Tectal Gliomas: Natural History of an Indolent Lesion in Pediatric Patients
Pediatr Neurosurg 32:24-29, Bowers,D.C.,et al, 2000

Venous Hypertension Associated with a Posterior Fossa Dural Arteriovenous Fistula:Another Cause of Bithalamic Lesions on MR Images
AJNR 20:145-147, Greenough,G.P.,et al, 1999

Diffuse Meningeal Enhancement in Patients with Overdraining,Long-Standing Ventricular Shunts
Neurol 52:406-409, Hochman,M.S.&Naidich,T.P., 1999

A Man with Progressive Weakness in His Legs
Lancet 354:830, van der Meulen,M.F.G.,et al, 1999

Dementia Resulting From Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas:The Pathologic Findings of Venous Hypertensive Encephalopathy
AJNR 19:1267-1273, 12741998., Hurst,R.W.,et al, 1998

Pitfalls in the Diagnosis of Ventricular Shunt Dysfunction:Radiology Reports and Ventricular Size
Pediatrics 101:1031-1036, Iskandar,B.J.,et al, 1998

Orthostatic Headaches Caused by CSF Leak but with Normal CSF Pressures
Neurol 51:786-790, Mokri,B.M.,et al, 1998

MR Appearance of an Intracranial Dural Arteriovenous Fistula Leading to Cervical Myelopathy
Neurol 51:1131-1135, Hahnel,S.,et al, 1998

Cervical Myelopathy Associated with Intracranial Dural Arteriovenous Fistula:MR Findings Before and After Treatment
AJNR 18:1330-1334, Ernst,R.J.,et al, 1997

Normal-Pressure Hydrocephalus:Evaluation with Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow Measurements at MR Imaging
Radiology 198:523-529, Bradley,W.G.,et al, 1996

Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia
NEJM 333:918-924, Guttmacher,A.E.,et al, 1995

Neurocysticercosis in Houston, Texas:A Report of 112 Cases
Medicine 73:37-52, Shandera,W.X.,et al, 1994

Vascular Neoplasms and Malformations, Ischemia, and Hemorrhage Affecting the Spinal Cord:MR Imaging Findings
AJR 162:685-692, Friedman,D.P.,et al, 1994

Focal Tectal Tumors:Management and Prognosis
Neurol 44:953-956, Squires,L.A.,et al, 1994

Safety and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
BMJ 308:1181-1182, Mosely,I., 1994

Clinicopath Conf
Cysticercosis Involving Basal Cisterns of Brain, Case 8-1993, NEJM 328:566-573993., , 1993

Images in Clinical Medicine
NEJM 328:552, Eagle,K., 1993

Clinicopath Conf
Spinal Dural Arteriovenous Fistula, Case 12-1992, NEJM 326:816-824992., , 1992

Suspected Dural Arteriovenous Fistual:Results with Screening MR Angiography in Seven Patients
Radiology 183:265-271, Chen,J.C.,et al, 1992

Cerebral Ventriculitis:MR Findings
J Comput Assist Tomogr 14:272-275, Barloon,T.J.,et al, 1990

Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas:Evaluation with MR Imaging
Radiology 175:193-199, DeMarco,J.K.,et al, 1990

MR Imaging of Dural AV Fistuals at the Cavernous Sinus
J Comput Assist Tomogr 14:397-401, Komiyama,M.,et al, 1990

Plasticity in the Aging Brain
Arch Neurol 47:1336-1341, Kaye,J.A.,et al, 1990

Normal-Pressure Hydrocephalus and the Saga of the Treatable Dementias
JAMA 262:2577-2581, 2592-25931989., Friedland,R.P., 1989

Noncontrast Computed Tomography vs Computed Tomography Perfusion or Magnetic Resonance Imaging Selection in Late Presentation of Stroke with Large-Vessel Occlusion
JAMA Neurol 79:22-31, Nguyen, T.N.,et al, 2022

Endovascular Therapy for Acute Stroke with a Large Ischemic Region
NEJM 386:doi.10.1056/NEJMoa2118191, Yoshimura, S.,et al, 2022

Impact of Microbleeds on Outcome Following Recanalization in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke
Stroke 50:127-134, Choi, K.H.,et al, 2019

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Versus Computed Tomography Angiography Based Selection for Endovascular Therapy in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke
Stroke 50:365-372, Kim, J-T.,et al, 2019

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Selection for Endovascular Stroke Therapy
Stroke 49:1402-1406, Simonsen, C.Z.,et al, 2018

Addition of Hyperacute MRI Aids in Patient Selection, Decreasing the Use of Endovascular Stroke Therapy
Stroke 45:467-472, Wisco, D.,et al, 2014

Diagnostic Yield of Pelvic Magnetic Resonance Venography in Patients with Cryptogenic Stroke and Patent Foramen Ovale
Stroke 45:2324-2329, Liberman, A.L.,et al, 2014

A Trial of Imaging Selection and Endovascular Treatment for Ischemic Stroke
NEJM 368:914-923,952, Kidwell, C.S.,et al, 2013

Diagnosis and Management of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis: A Statement for Healthcare Professionals From the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association
Stroke 42:1158-1192, Saposnik,G.,et al, 2011

Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendu Syndrome)
UpToDate, Feb, Shovlin, C., 2011

Neuroimaging in Acute Posterior Cerebral Artery Infarction
The Neurologist 14:170-180, Finelli,P.F., 2008

Management of Stroke in Infants and Children: A Scientific Statement From a Special Writing Group of the American Heart Association Stroke Council and the Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young
Stroke 39:2644-2691, Roach,E.S.,et al., 2008

Arteriovenous Malformations of the Brain
NEJM 356:2704-2712, Friedlander,R.M., 2007

Imaging-Guided Acute Ischemic Stroke Therapy: From "Time is Brain" to "Physiology is Brain"
AJNR 27:728-735, Gonzalez,R.G., 2006

Diffusion-Weighted Imaging in Stroke Attributable to Patent Foramen Ovale: Significance of Concomitant Atrial Septum Aneurysm
Stroke 37:2030-2034, Bonati,L.H.,et al, 2006

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