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Clinicopath Conf., Endheim-Chester Disease
NEJM 359:736-747, Case 25-2008, 2008

Investigating the Hoarse Voice
BMJ 337:1165-1168, Pretorius,P.M. &Milford,C.A., 2008

MR Imaging Presentation of Intracranial Disease Associated with Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
AJNR 25:880-891, Prayer, D.,et al, 2004

MRI of Arachnoid Granulations Within the Dural Sinuses Using a FLAIR Pulse Sequence
British Jour Radiol 72:1046-1051, Ikushima,I.,et al, 1999

A Case of Sellar T Cell Type Malignant Lymphoma
No Shinkei Geka 26:53-58, Sakakibara,Y.,et al, 1998

Leptomeningeal and Calvarial Sarcoidosis:CT and MR Appearances
J Comput Assist Tomogr 19:639-642, Finelli,D.A.,et al, 1995

Giant Intracranial Aneurysms with Skull Base Erosion and Extracranial Masses:CT and MR Findings
J Comput Assist Tomogr 18:939-942, Fisher,A.,et al, 1994

Dural Sinus Occlusion Due to Calvarial Metastases:A CT Blind Spot
J Comput Assist Tomogr 16:30-34, Chaudhuri,R.,et al, 1992

Clinicopath Conf
Multiple Myeloma, Presenting as Plasmacytoma of Bone Extending into Sphenoid Sinus, Case 21-1992, NE, M 31417-1424,1992., 1992

Calvarial and Skull Base Metastases:Comparison of Nonenhanced and Gd-DTPA-Enhanced MR Images
Radiology 174:85-91, West,M.S.,et al, 1990

Intracranial Oligodendrogliomas:Imaging Findings in 35 Untreated Cases
AJNR 10:119-127, Lee,Y.Y.&VanTassel,P., 1989

Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Head & Neck
Presenting Status & Future Potential, Council on Scientific Affairs, Panel on MRI, JAMA 260:3313-332, , 1988, 1988

MR Imaging of Peripheral Intracranial Neoplasms:Extraaxial VS Intraaxial Masses
J Comput Assist Tomogr 11:932-937, Curnes,J.T., 1987

Radiosurgery for Metastatic Spinal Tumors: Follow-Up MR Findings
AJNR 33:382-387, Hwang,Y.J.,et al, 2012

CNS Involvement at the Onset of Primary Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis
Neurol 78:1150-1156, Deiva,K.,et al, 2012

Metastatic spinal cord compression
BMJ 342:d2402, Quraishi, N. & Esler, C., 2011

Spontaneous Regression of an Intracerebral Lymphoma (ghost tumor) in a Liver-Engrafted Patient
The Neurologist 17:218-221, Korner, S.,et al, 2011

Leptomeningeal Metastases in the MRI Era
Neurol 74:1449-1454, Clarke,J.L., et al, 2010

Hemorrhage in Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome: Imaging and Clinical Features
AJNR 30:1371-1379, Hefzy,H.M.,et al, 2009

Clinicopath Conference, Cryptococcosis With Cryptococcal Meningitis in Liver Allograft Recipient
NEJM 358:1604-1613, Case 11-2008, 2008

Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome, Part 1: Fundamental Imaging and Clinical Features
AJNR 29:1036-1042, Bartynski,W.S., 2008

Diffusion-Weighted Imaging in Brain Aspergillesis
Eur J Neurol 14:912-916, Charlot,M.,et al, 2007

MR Imaging of Human Herpesvirus-6-Associated Encephalitis in 4 Patients with Anterograde Amnesia after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Transplantation
AJNR 27:887-891, Gorniak,R.J.T.,et al, 2006

Transmission of Rabies Virus from an Organ Donor to Four Transplant Recipients
NEJM 352:1103-11, Srinivasan,A., et al, 2005

Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis
Arch Neurol 62:650-652, Lindzen,.E.,et al, 2005

Spinal MR Findings in Continuous Epidural Analgesia Without Infection
AJNR 26:991-995,987, Ikushima,I.,et al, 2005

Pediatric Central Nervous System Posttransplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder
AJNR 26:1695-1697, Brennan,.C.,et al, 2005

JAMA 294:3131-3134, Moser,H.W.,et al, 2005

Clinical and MRI Outcome after Autologous Hematoipoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in MS
Neurol 62:282-284,168, Saiz,A.,et al, 2004

MR Imaging in Toxoplasmosis Encephalitis After Bone Marrow Transplantation: Paucity of Enhancement Despite Fulminant Disease
AJNR 25:270-273, Ionita,C.,et al, 2004

Clinicopath Conf., Progessive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy
NEJM 350:1884-1893, Case 14-2004, 2004

Naturally Acquired West Nile Virus Encephalomyelitis in Transplant Recipients
Arch Neurol 61:1210-1220, Kleinschmidt-DeMasters,B.K.,et al, 2004

Multiple Myeloma Invasion of the Central Nervous System
Arch Neurol 61:1423-1429, Schluterman,K.O.,et al, 2004

Abnormal Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Following Corneal Transplantations
Arch Neurol 59:637-639, Rabinstein,A.A.,et al, 2002

Normalization of T2 Signal Abnormalities in Hemispheric White Matter with Liver Transplant
Neurol 59:335-341, Rovira,A.,et al, 2002

Severe Neurologic Complications After Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Children
Neurol 59:1895-1904,E13, Farci,M.,et al, 2002

Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Suppresses Gd-enhanced MRI activity in MS
Neurol 57:62-68, Mancardi,G.L.,et al, 2001

Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging in 23 Patients with Mucopolysaccharidoses and the Effect of Bone Marrow Transplantation
Ann Neurol 50:79-92, Seto,T.,et al, 2001

Preventable Deaths and Injuries during Magnetic Resonance Imaging
NEJM 345:1000-1001, Landrigan,C., 2001

Human Herpesvirus 6 Limbic Encephalitis After Stem Cell Transplantation
Ann Neurol 50:612-619, Wainwright,M.S.,et al, 2001

Early Diagnosis of Cerebral Fat Embolism Syndrome by Diffusion-Weighted MRI (Starfield Pattern)
Stroke 32:2942-2944, Parizel,P.M.,et al, 2001

Prediction of Spinal Epidural Metastases
Arch Neurol 57:690-695, Kienstra,G.E.M.,et al, 2000

Long-term Effect of Bone-marrow Transplantation for Childhood-onset Cerebral X-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy
Lancet 356:713-718, Shapiro,E. et al, 2000

Angiitis of the Central Nervous System After Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation?
Stroke 30:1651-1656, Padovan,C.S.,et al, 1999

The Management of Minor Closed Head Injury in Children
Pediatrics 104:1407-1415, Cmte on Quality Improvement,American Academy of Pe, 1999

Vertebral Body Infarction as a Confirmatory Sign of Spinal Cord Ischemic Stroke, Report of Three Cases & Review of Lit
Stroke 29:239-243, Faig,J.,et al, 1998

Neurological and Neuroradiological Findings in Long-Term Survivors of Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation
Ann Neurol 43:627-633, Padovan,C.S.,et al, 1998

Cerebral Vasculitis During FK 506 Treatment in a Liver Transplant Patient
Neurol 50:1154-1157, Pizzolato,G.P.,et al, 1998

Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Transplantation in Globoid-Cell Leukodystrophy
NEJM 338:1119-1126, Krivit,W.,et al, 1998

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