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A 47-Year-Old With Headache, Vertigo, and Double Vision
Neurol 97:e535-e539, Frey, J.,et al, 2021

Rapidly Progressive Gait Disorder and Cranial Nerves Involvement in a 9-year-old boy
Neurol 94:e330-e334, Lipp, A.,et al, 2020

Facial Nerve Palsy in COVID-19 Infection
Neurol 95:364-367, Goh, Y.,et al, 2020

Lyme Disease: What the Neuroradiologist Needs to Know
AJNR 40:1998-2000, Valand, H.A.,et al, 2019

Gasperini Syndrome
Neurol 90:e261, Lorio, R., 2018

A 56-year-old woman with acute vertigo and diplopia
Neurol 90:748-752, Sharma, R.,et al, 2018

Precentral Gyrus Infarct Presenting as Isolated Contralateral Peripheral-Type Facial Palsy
Neurol 91:421-422, Hebant, B.,et al, 2018

Clinical Presentation and Cranial MRI Findings of Listeria Monocytogenes Encephalitis
Neurologist 23:198-203, Arslan, F.,et al, 2018

Palsy of Conjugate Horizontal Gaze and Face due to Isolated Abducens Nuclear Infarction
Neurol 89:e180-e181, Kim, J.S.,et al, 2017

Idiopathic Hypertrophic Pachymeningitis
Neurol 87:e270-e271, Wasilewski, A. & Samkoff L., 2016

Eight-and-a-Half Syndrome
JAMA Neurol 72:830, Bocos-Portillo, J.,et al, 2015

Isolated Peripheral Facial Palsy Due to Ipsilateral Pontine Infarction
Neurol 85:e1-e2, Oh, S.,et al, 2015

Clinicopathologic Conference, Cerebral Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis
NEJM 371:162-173, Case 21-2014, 2014

Infections of the Nervous System, (Bacterial, Fungal, Spirochetal, Parasitic) and Sarcoidosis, Sarcoidosis
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 32, pg 721, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Cogan Syndrome An Analysis of Reported Neurological Manifestations
The Neurologist 18:55-63, Antonios,N. and Silliman,S., 2012

Redefining the Guillain-Barre Spectrum in Children: Neuroimaging Findings of Cranial Nerve Involvement
AJNR 32:639-42, Zuccoli, G.,et al, 2011

Opsoclonus and Multiple Cranial Neuropathy as a Manifestation of Neuroborreliosis
Neurol 77:1013-1014, Sabien Van Erp, W.,et al, 2011

Bilateral Facial Nerve Palsy Associated With Epstein-Barr Virus Infection
JNNP 81:1155-1156, Coddington,C.T.,et al, 2010

Evidence for Acute Neurotoxicity After Chemotherapy
Ann Neurol 68:806-815, Petzold,A.,et al, 2010

Clinicopath Conf, Neurosarcoidosis
NEJM 360:802-809, Case 6-2009, 2009

Lyme Neuroborreliosis: Manifestations of a Rapidly Emerging Zoonosis
AJNR 30:1079-1087, Hildenbrand,P.,et al, 2009

Clinicopath Conf., Severe Microangiopathy of Diabetic Vasculopathy with Multiple Cerebral Infarcts
NEJM 357:164-173, Case Study 21-2007, 2007

Age and High-Dose Methotrexate are Associated to Clinical Acute Encephalopathy in FRALLE 93 Trial for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Children
Leukemia 21:238-247, Dufourg, M.N.,et al, 2007

Bells Palsy with Ipsilateral Numbness
JNNP 76:1017-1018, Vanopdenbosch,L.J.,et al, 2005

Bell's Palsy
NEJM 351:1323-1331, Gilden,D.H., 2004

Vascular Syndromes of the Thalamus
Stroke 34:2264-2278, Schumahmann,J.D., 2003

Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Intratemporal Facial Nerve in Idiopathic Peripheral Facial Palsy
J Clin Imaging 27:77-81, Yetiser, S.,et al, 2003

Acute, Chronic, and Recurrent Varicella Zoster Virus Neuropathy Without Zoster Rash
Neurol 57:351-354, Fox,R.J.,et al, 2001

Neuro-Ophthalmic Manifestations of Sarcoidosis. Clincal Spectrum, Evaluation and Management
J Neuroophthalmol 21:132-137, Frohman,L.P,et al, 2001

Facial Palsy in Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
Stroke 31:1766-1769, Straub,J. et al, 2000

Neurosyphilis as a Cause of Facial and Vestibulocochlear Nerve Dysfunction: MR Imaging Features
AJNR 21:1673-1675, Smith, M.M. & Anderson, J.C., 2000

MR of CNS Sarcoidosis:Correlation of Imaging Features to Clinical Symptoms and Response to Treatment
AJNR 20:655-669, Christoforidis,G.A.,et al, 1999

Isolated Cranial Nerve Palsies Due to Brainstem Lesions
Muscle & Nerve 22:1168-1176, Thomke,F., 1999

A Case-Controlled MRI/MRA Study of Neurovascular Contact in Hemifacial Spasm
Neurol 53:2132-2139, Ho,S.L.,et al, 1999

Ramsay Hunt Syndrome Associated with Brain Stem Enhancement
AJNR 20:278-280, Sartoretti-Schefer,S.,et al, 1999

Clinicopath Conf
Wegener's Granulomatosis Involving Sinuses, Skull, and Cranial Nerves, Case 28-1998, NEJM 339:755-76, , 199, 1998

A 29-Year-Old Man with Multiple Sclerosis
JAMA 280:1432-1439, Rudick,R.A., 1998

Long-Term Outcomes after Radiosurgery for Acoustic Neuromas
NEJM 339:1426-1433,1471, Kondziolka,D.,et al, 1998

Massive Nerve Root Enlargement in Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy
JNNP 61:636-640, Schady,W.,et al, 1996

Neurologic Aspects of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Neurol 45:416-421, Lossos,A.,et al, 1995

Clinicopath Conf
Neurolymphomatosis, Case 8-1995, NEJM 332:730-737995., , 1995

Cranial Nerve Enhancement in the Guillain-Barre Syndrome
AJNR 16:923-925, Fulbright,R.K.,et al, 1995

Management of Acoustic Neuroma
BMJ 311:1141-1144, Wright,A.&Bradford,R., 1995

Spectrum of Lateral Medullary Syndrome:Correlation Between Clinical Findings and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in 33 Subjects
Stroke 25:1405-1410, Kim,J.S.,et al, 1994

Pure Dysarthria, Isolated Facial Paresis, or Dysarthria-Facial Paresis Syndrome
Stroke 25:1994-1998, Kim,J.S., 1994

Cytomegalovirus Ventriculoencephalitis in AIDS, A Syndrome with Distinct Clin & Path FEatures
Medicine 72:67-77, Kalayjian,R.C.,et al, 1993

Herpesvirus Infections of the CNS:MR Findings
AJR 161:167-171, Tien,R.D.,et al, 1993

Gadolinium-Enhanced MRI in a Patient with AIDS and the Ramsay-Hunt Syndrome
Neuroradiology 35:269, Li,J.,et al, 1993

Wallenberg's Lateral Medullary Syndrome
Arch Neurol 50:609-614, Sacco,R.L.,et al, 1993

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