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Hallervorden-Spatz Syndrome:Clinical and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Correlations
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Introduction of a Dedicated Emergency Department MR Imaging Scanner at the Barrow Neurological Institute
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Treatment of Patients with Suspected Ischemic Stroke of Undetermined Onset and Negative Head Computed Tomography Scan
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A Plain Computed Tomography Scan is Sufficient to Consider Thrombolysis in Patients with Unknown Time of Onset
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New-Onset Aferbrile Seizures in Infants: Role of Neuroimaging
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Epilepsy in Children
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The Genetic Causes of Basal Ganglia Calcification, Dementia, and Bone Cysts
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Posterior Cerebral Artery Syndromes
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Clinical Features of Vascular Thrombosis Following Varicella
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Prospective Observations of 100 High-Risk Neonates by High-Field MRI of CNS:II. Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy
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Dystonic-Parkinsonian Syndrome after Cyanide Poisoning:Clinical and MRI Findings
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MR of Neuronal Migration Anomalies
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