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Filter Applied: seizure,immunization causing (Click to remove)

MMR Vaccination and Febrile Seizures
JAMA 292:351-357, Vestergaard,M.,et al, 2004

The Risk of Seizures After Receipt of Whole-Cell Pertussis or Measles,Mumps,and Rubella Vaccine
NEJM 345:656-661, Barlow,W.E.,et al, 2001

Pertussis Immunization and the Central Nervous System
Ad Hoc Comm for Child Neurol Soc Consen Stmt on Pertussis Immuniza & CNS, Ann Neurol 29:458-46091., , 1991

Risk of Seizures after Measles-Mumps-Rubella Immunization
Pediatrics 88:881-885, Griffin,M.R.,et al, 1991

Relationship of Pertussis Immunization to the Onset of Neurologic Disorders:A Retrospective Epidemiologic Study
J Pediatr 113:801-805, Shields,W.D.,et al, 1988

Pertusis Vaccine and Injury to the Brain
J Pediatr 116:854-861, Golden,G.S., 1990

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