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JNNP 57:1308-1319, Binnie,C.D.&Prior,P.F., 1994

Clinicopathologic Conference, Advanced AIDS Complicated by HSV-1 Encephalopathy. Basal-Cell Carcinoma. Kaposis Sarcoma.
NEJM 376:2580-2589, Case 20-2017, 2017

Spectrum of Imaging Appearances of Intracranial Cryptococcal Infection in HIV/AIDS Patients in the Anti-Retroviral Therapy Era
Clin Radiol 71:9-17, Offiah, C.E. & Naseer, A., 2016

Infections of the Nervous System, (Bacterial, Fungal, Spirochetal, Parasitic) and Sarcoidosis, Tuberculous Meningitis
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 32, pg 717, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Misdiagnosis of Treatable Stroke Mimic: The Case for HIV Screening in Practice Guidelines
Neurohosp 3:125-130, Finelli, P.F., 2013

CNS-Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome in the Setting of HIV Infection, Part 1: Overview and Discussion of Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy-Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome and Cryptococcal-Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome
AJNR 34:1297-1307, Post, M.J.D.,et al, 2013

Evidence-based Guideline: Antiepileptic Drug Selection for People with HIV/AIDS
Neurol 78:139-145, Birbeck,G.L.,et al, 2012

Incidence of HIV-Related Anal Cancer Remains Increased Despite Long-Term Combined Antiretroviral Treatment: Results from the French Hospital Database on HIV
J Clin Oncol doi:10:1200JCO.2012.44.5486, Piketty, C.,et al, 2012

AIDS-Related Lymphomas: Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Pathobiology
UpToDate, Sept, Kaplan, L.D.,et al, 2010

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome and the Risk of Stroke
Stroke 35:51-56, Cole,J.W.,et al, 2004

Primary Lymphoma of the Pituitary: An Emerging Clinical Entity
J Clin Endocrinol Metab 86:4567-4575, Giustina,A.,et al, 2001

Central Nervous System Aspergillosis in Patients with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection
Medicine 79:269-280, Mylonakis,E. et al, 2000

New-Onset Seizures Associated with HIV Infection
Neurol 55:1558-1560, Modi,G.,et al, 2000

Paroxysmal Dyskinesias in Patients with HIV Infection
Neurol 52:109-114, Mirsattari,S.M.,et al, 1999

Cerebral Tumor-Like American Trypanosomiasis in Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Ann Neurol 45:403-406, Pagano,M.A.,et al, 1999

Isolated,Chronic,Epilepsia Partialis Continua in an HIV-Infected Patient
Arch Neurol 56:111-114, Bartolomei,F.,et al, 1999

Neurologic Manifestations of AIDS in Older Adults
Infect Dis Clin Practice 8:179-185, Finelli,P.F.,et al, 1999

Prospective Study of New-Onset Seizures in Patients with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection
Arch Neurol 56:609-612, Pascual-Sedano,B.,et al, 1999

AIDS-Related MR Hyperintensity of the Basal Ganglia
AJNR 19:83-89, Meltzer,C.C.,et al, 1998

Influence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1 Infection and Degree of Immunosuppression in the Clinical Characteristics and Outcome of Infective Endocarditis in Intravenous Drug Users
Arch Int Med 158:2043-2050, Ribera,E.,et al, 1998

Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, & Management of Hyponatremic Encephalopathy
Am J Med 102:67-77, Fraser,C.L.,et al, 1997

Cerebral Microsporidiosis Due to Encephalitozoon Cuniculi in a Patient With Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection
NEJM 336:474-478, Weber,R.,et al, 1997

Invasive Aspergillus Sinusitis in Patients with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection
Medicine 76:249-255, Mylonakis,E.,et al, 1997

Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection and Stroke in Young Patients
Arch Neurol 54:1150-1153, Qureshi,A.I.,et al, 1997

Cerebral Tuberculosis in Pts with AIDS, Report of 6 Cases & Review
Medicine 76:423-431, Lesprit,P.,et al, 1997

AIDS Dementia Complex with Generalized Myoclonus
Mov Disord 12:593-597, Maher,J.,et al, 1997

Assessment of Brain SPECT:Report of the Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee of the AAN
Neurol 46:278-285, , 1996

Cytomegalovirus Encephalitis
Ann Int Med 125:577-578, Arribas,J.R.,et al, 1996

AIDS in the Elderly:New York City Vital Statistics
J Emerg Med 14:19-23, Gaeta,T.J.,et al, 1996

AIDS-Associated Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy Revealed by New-Onset Seizures
Am J Med 99:64-68, Moulignier,A.,et al, 1995

The Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome in Older Persons
West J Med 161:526, Rozance,C.P.&Kizer,K.W., 1994

AIDs Risk Behaviors Among Late Middle-Aged and Elderly Americans
Arch Int Med 154:57-63, 191994., Stall,R.&Catania,J., 1994

Dementia in AIDS Patients:Incidence and Risk Factors
Neurol 43:2245-2252, McArthur,J.C.,et al, 1993

Progressive Multifocal Leucoencephalopathy
Brit J Hosp Med 50:187-192, Sweeney,B.J.,et al, 1993

Nonconvulsive Generalized Status Epilepticus and AIDS
Ann Int Med 116:171-172, Wong,M.C., 1992

Toxoplasma Encephalitis in Patients with the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Medicine 71:224-239, Renold,C.,et al, 1992

Intracerebral Bacillary Angiomatosis in a Patient Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Ann Int Med 116:740-742, Spach,D.H.,et al, 1992

Toxoplasmosis of the Central Nervous System in the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
NEJM 327:1643-1648, Porter,S.B.&Sande,M.A., 1992

A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Foscarnet in the Treatment of Cytomegalovirus Retinitis in Pts with AIDS
Ann Int Med 115:665-673, Palestine,A.G.,et al, 1991

Clinicopath Conf
Primary CNS Lymphoma with AIDS, Am J Med 88:169-1761990., , 1990

Seizures in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection
Arch Neurol 47:640-642, Wong,M.C.,et al, 1990

Primary CNS Lymphomas:Natural Hx & Response to Radiation Therapy in 55 Pt with AIDS
J Neurosurg 73:206-211, Baumgartner,J.E.,et al, 1990

The Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Dementia Complex
Ann Int Med 111:400-410, Ho,D.D.,et al, 1989

Infections with Cryptococcus Neoformans in the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
NEJM 321:794-799, Chuck,S.L.&Sande,M.A., 1989

Movement Disorders & AIDS
Neurol 37:37-41, Nath,A.,et al, 1987

Assessment of Therapy for Toxoplasma Encephalitis
The TE Study Group, Am J Med 82:907-9141987., , 1987

Neurologic Manifestations of AIDS
Medicine 66:407-437, McArthur,J.C., 1987

Zidovudine (AZT)
Editorial, Lancet 1:957-9581987., , 1987

The Spectrum of Neurol Dis Assoc with Antiphospholipid Antibd, Lupus Anticoag & Anticardiolipin Antibd
Arch Neurol 44:876-883, Levin,S.R.&Welch,K.M.A., 1987

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