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Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, Clinical Manifestations and Diagnosis of Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia
UptoDate, May, Rajkumar, S.V., 2011

Neurologic Manifestations in Macroglobulinemia
In Vinken PJ, Bruyn GW, Eds, Handbook of Clin Neurol, Vol 39, North-Holland Publ Co, p. 189, Abramsky,O., 1980

Vitamin B12 Deficiency:NICE Guideline Summary
BMJ 385:q1019, q1262, Sands,T.,et al, 2024

A 67-Year-Old Woman with Progressive Tingling Sensations and Imlalance
Neurol 100:151-157, Horta,L.F.B.,et al, 2023

Clinicopathologic Conference, Functional Vitamin B12 Deficiency from Use of Nitrous Oxide
NEJM 388:1893-1900, Case 15-2023, 2023

A 59-year-old Woman with Multiple Myeloma and Lower Extremity Weakness and Numbness
Neurol 94:794-800, Gadot, R.,et al, 2020

Clinical Characteristics, Risk Factors, and Outcomes of POEMS Syndrome
Neurol 95:e268-e279, Keddie, S.,et al, 2020

A 74-year-old Woman with Bilateral Foot Pain and a Palmar Rash
Neurol 88:e44-e50, Wynn, D.P.,et al, 2017

A Young Woman with Blurred Vision and Distal Paresthesias
JAMA Neurol 72:1519-1523, Kung, N.H.,et al, 2015

A 48-year-old Man with Walking Difficulty
Neurol 85:e165-e169, Kalladka, D.,et al, 2015

Two Uncommon Causes of Guillain-Barr� Syndrome: Hepatitis E and Japanese Encephalitis
Case Reports Neurol Med Art ID:759495, Bandyopadhyay, D.,et al, 2015

ICU-Acquired Weakness and Recovery from Critical Illness
NEJM 370:1626-1635, Kress, J.P. & Hall, J.B., 2014

Infections of the Nervous System, (Bacterial, Fungal, Spirochetal, Parasitic) and Sarcoidosis, Sarcoidosis
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 32, pg 721, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Clinicalpathologic Conference, Vitamin B12 Deficiency due to Pernicious Anemia
NEJM 366:1626-1633, Case 13-2012, 2012

Clinicopath Conf, The POEMS Syndrome, with Demyelinating Neuropathy and Solitary Pharmacytoma of Bone
NEJM 362:929-940, Case 7-2010, 2010

Practice Parameter: Evaluation of Distal Symmetric Polyneuropathy: Role of Laboratory and Genetic Testing (An Evidence-Based Review)
Nuerol 72:185-192, England,J.D.,et al, 2009

A 63-Year-Old Woman with Urinary Incontinence and Progressive Gait Disorder
Neurol 72:1607-1613, Lossos,A.,et al, 2009

Clinical Spectrum of Ataxia-Telangiectasia in Adulthood
Neurol 73:430-437, Verhagen,M.M.M.,et al, 2009

Cerebral Infarction in POEMS Syndrome: Incidence, Risk Factors, and Imaging Characteristics
Neurol 73:1308-1312, Dupont,S.A.,et al, 2009

Ganglionic Acetylcholine Receptor Autoantibody: Oncological, Neurological, and Serological Accompaniments
Arch Neurol 66:735-741, McKeon,A.,et al, 2009

Neurologic Improvement After Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation in POEMS Syndrome
Neurol 71:1691-1695, Kuwabara,S.,et al, 2008

Acute Intermittent Porphyria Presenting as Acute Pancreatitis and Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome
Acta Neurol Taiwan 17:177-183, Shen, F.,et al, 2008

Intermittent Cyclophosphamide With Prednisone Versus Placebo for Polyneuropathy With IgM Monoclonal Gammopathy
Neurol 69:50-59, Niermeijer,J.M.F.,et al, 2007

Plasma Exchange in Neuroimmunological Disorders: Part 2. Treatment of Neuromuscular Disorders
Arch Neurol 63:1066-1071, Lehmann,H.C.,et al, 2006

Vascular Risk Factors and Diabetic Neuropathy
NEJM 352: 341-350, 408, Tesfaye, S., et al, 2005

POEMS Syndrome Associated with Ischemic Stroke
Arch Neurol 60:745-749, Kang, K.,et al, 2003

Clinicopath Conf,Mononeuritis Multiplex Due to Systemic Amyloidosis
NEJM 344:917-923, Case 9-2001, 2001

The Neurologic Complications of Scleromyxedema
Medicine 80:313-319, Berger,J.R.,et al, 2001

Clumsiness, Confusion, Coma, and Valproate
Lancet 353:1408, Ellaway,C.J.,et al, 1999

Prognosis of patients with Primary Systemic Amyloidosis Who Present with Dominant Neuropathy
Am J Med 104:232-237, Rajkumar,S.V.,et al, 1998

Consequences of the Delayed Diagnosis of Ataxia-Telangiectasia
Pediatrics 102:98-100, Cabana,M.D.,et al, 1998

Neuropathies Associated with Paraproteinemia
NEJM 338:1601-1607, Ropper,A.H.&Gorson,K.C., 1998

CIDP:Clinical Features & Responses to Trtm in 67 Consecutive Pts with/without a Monoclonal Gammopathy
Neurol 48:321-328, Gorson,K.G.,et al, 1997

Yelling Attacks and Wasted Hands
Lancet 348:238, Bosboom,W.M.J.,et al, 1996

Nonsystemic Vasculitic Mononeuropathy Multiplex, Cryoglobulinemia, and Hepatitis C
Muscle & Nerve 19:1596-1602996., David,W.S.,et al, 1996

A Controlled Study of Intravenous Immunoglobulin in Demyelinating Neuropathy with IgM Gammopathy
Ann Neurol 40:792-795, Dalakas,M.C.,et al, 1996

Intermittent Cyclophosphamide & Prednisone Trtm of Polyneuropathy Assoc with Monocl Gamopathy of Undeter Sign
Neurol 47:1227-1233, Notermans,N.C.,et al, 1996

The Effect of Intensive Diabetes Therapy on Development & Progression of Neuropathy
The Diabetes Control & Compl Trial Res Gr, Ann Int Med 122:561-56895., , 1995

POEMS Syndrome:A Study of 25 Cases and a Review of the Literature
Am J Med 97:543-553, Soubrier,M.J.,et al, 1994

Clinicopath Conf
Polyarteritis Nodosa, with Neuropathy, Case 40-1994, NEJM 331:1293-130094., , 1994

Clinicopath Conf
Axonal Polyneuritis Assoc with IgA Lambda Multiple Myeloma, Case 21-1993, NEJM 328:1550-1558993., , 1993

Multifocal Motor Neuropathy with Conduction Block:Is It a Distinct Clinical Entity?
Neurol 42:497-505, Lange,D.J.,et al, 1992

Clinicopath Conf
PEOMS Syndrome, Case 39-1992, NEJM 327:1014-1021992., , 1992

Plasma-Cell Dyscrasia with Polyneuropathy, The Spectrum of POEMS Syndrome
NEJM 327:1919-1923, Miralles,G.D.,et al, 1992

Cranial Neuropathy Associated with Primary Amyloidosis
Ann Neurol 29:451-454, Traynor,A.E.,et al, 1991

Ataxia-Telangiectasia:An Interdisciplinary Approach to Pathogenesis
Medicine 70:99-117, Gatti,R.A.,et al, 1991

Plasma Exchange in Polyneuropathy Associated with Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance
NEJM 325:1482-1486, Dyck,P.J.,et al, 1991

Compliment-Mediated Demyelination in Patients with IgM Monoclonal Gammopathy and Polyneuropathy
NEJM 322:649-652, Monaco,S.,et al, 1990

High-Dose Intravenous Immunoglobulin in the Treatment of Demyelinating Neuropathy with Monoclonal Gammopathy
Neurol 40:212-214, 327-3281990., Cook,D.,et al, 1990

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