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Filter Applied: meningitis,children (Click to remove)

Adverse Outcomes of Bacterial meningitis in School-Age Survivors
Pediatrics 95:646-655, Grimwood,K.,et al, 1995

Pachymeningitis after Meningococcal Infection
Lancet 381:1596, Toubiana, J.,et al, 2013

Clinicopath Conf, Traumatic Perilymphatic Fistula, Bacterial Labyrinthitis, Meningitis Due to Streptococcus Pneumoiae
NEJM 345:1901-1907, Case 40-2001, 2001

Bacterial Meningitis in Older Children
Am J Dis Child 144:463-465, Bonadio,W.A.,et al, 1990

Seizures and Other Neurologic Sequelae of Bacterial Meningitis in Children
NEJM 323:1651-1657, Pomeroy,S.L.,et al, 1990

Tuberculous Meningitis in Children:Treatment with Isoniazid and Rifampicin for Twelve Months
J Pediatr 114:875-879, Visudhiphan,P.&Chiemchanya,S., 1989

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